Sorry, no photos. I went to a house today to see a 5' X 8 or 9' Kreigs woolen flag. The top rope loop was right (although the rope just didn't seem to have the right 'feel'), but the bottom rope end had no loop - it ran free for 3' or more. The flag didn't have the usual ten or twelve seams at the end like the linen flags do to prevent fraying, and the crisscross stitching at the rope loops were absent. The corners of the flag end was reenforced like it should be though. Did the woolen flags not have the entire ends reenforced like the linen flags? The markings on the bunting were - an eagle with swastika and the letter 'M' below that, 'Reichskriegsflg.', an upsidedown and backwards 'L', the numbers '150 X 250', 'Plutzar & Brull KG., Bielitz O/S'. I know it's hard without a photo, but I forgot my camera. The man, a VFW member, was given it in 1997, so I'm thinking it's a fake. But then again, it may not be. Does this sound like one of the fakes circulating around today? One more thing, looking at the colored edges where the black meets the white, the line was not really straight. Other flags that I have owned that were dyed were perfect. Anyone have any comments?