This is one of two NSDAP 1st pattern flag poles tops I have. I've had this one for about a 20 years least. It is nickel-plated brass, as it should be. It does have old, natural oxidation on areas of visible brass (where the nickel plating has worn off). It also has a point on the end of the screw, which I have also seen on most originals, and the screw appears to be metric (as it should be, although I am not 100% sure). I know that the curved recesses typically on the wings are either not visible or faintly visible in some places on this one. I suppose that could be due to wear, as it could certainly occur over the decades, and I have seen some with such wear. Since it has been in my collection for 20 years, another question I ask relates to that. How long has type been faked, particularly with the nickel plating. Reddick Militaria first produced one in aluminum, which is totally incorrect and easy to spot.
But, as for the nickel plated type, I am not sure. Opinions, please.
But, as for the nickel plated type, I am not sure. Opinions, please.