an outstanding specimen! Thanks for alerting me to this post, as I have not been on Wehrmacht Awards for years. Believe it or not, I have your gun referenced in my research. I was incorrect in saying that the LMG15n.A in Devil's Paintbrush was a privately held US example - it is of course from the MOD Pattern Room. However, it is 15 years since I have opened the Bergmann files, so memory was a bit rusty. The connection with Devil's Paintbrush and your gun was that Dolf and I corresponded frequently back then, and when I was looking for US LMG15 examples, he put me onto the erstwhile owner of yours. He and I were after feedblocks at the time and I ended up making two complete blocks and a spare body. In my records, I have your production number down as 802, although there is a '?' mark next to the entry.
Another most excellent thing about this post is the photo of the four German assault troopers with the LMG.15n.A in front. This is the first photo I have seen of the gun variant with the G98 lange sight instead of the flip op rearsight post. Note that this is the way it was made as the barrel jacket ventilation slots are different to accommodate the setback on the foresight post. This is turn was required to preserve the sight radius as the Lange sight's V notch is set back further than that of the flip up rearsight's.
an outstanding specimen! Thanks for alerting me to this post, as I have not been on Wehrmacht Awards for years. Believe it or not, I have your gun referenced in my research. I was incorrect in saying that the LMG15n.A in Devil's Paintbrush was a privately held US example - it is of course from the MOD Pattern Room. However, it is 15 years since I have opened the Bergmann files, so memory was a bit rusty. The connection with Devil's Paintbrush and your gun was that Dolf and I corresponded frequently back then, and when I was looking for US LMG15 examples, he put me onto the erstwhile owner of yours. He and I were after feedblocks at the time and I ended up making two complete blocks and a spare body. In my records, I have your production number down as 802, although there is a '?' mark next to the entry.
Another most excellent thing about this post is the photo of the four German assault troopers with the LMG.15n.A in front. This is the first photo I have seen of the gun variant with the G98 lange sight instead of the flip op rearsight post. Note that this is the way it was made as the barrel jacket ventilation slots are different to accommodate the setback on the foresight post. This is turn was required to preserve the sight radius as the Lange sight's V notch is set back further than that of the flip up rearsight's.