Here is a P.08 that I found over the summer. Actually, the P.08 sort of found me; I got a call "out of the blue" from a local gunshop that I had left my business card with (about 2 years ago), asking them to call me if any WWI or WWII military firearms came in. I was really busy at work when the gunshop called and, assuming that it would be yet another ratty condition 1920 Commercial, I almost did not go look at it (but I'm glad that I did).
Nothing spectacular, but just a nice, clean example of a WWII military issue Luger pistol. I really like the holster that came with it.
Not much history on this one; the seller (who brought it into the gunshop) said that he "bought it off an old veteran years before" and was now ready to sell.
Nothing spectacular, but just a nice, clean example of a WWII military issue Luger pistol. I really like the holster that came with it.
Not much history on this one; the seller (who brought it into the gunshop) said that he "bought it off an old veteran years before" and was now ready to sell.