Very cool - I have several in 7.92X57 but never seen one for Kurz - nice!
Seems great condition, too.
I think I may have one box of live for it, the bottom one in the pile, correct?
Don't you love it when vendors put their price sticker on the label!
(Sorry dull pic, overcast today.)
I believe the 1945 fva box has not an original label.
Until now I never saw 15 box labels from 1945 only 420 rounds on battelpacks(Packhülse 88) and wooden crates(Patronenkasten 900) with 1260 rounds and 2100 rounds.
this is an misunderstanding.
Sure the labels on the shown battelpacks (Packhülsen 88) are all original.
I want to speak about the little 15 box 1945 fva 13.
I believe that this is a fake.
First there are mistakes in the print.
Second the paper looks no good and the label is to little.
The normal fva label are a little bit bigger 55 x 25mm than the order in the VtL 22x 52 mm but never smaller).
I add the page frome the VtL (Vorläufigen technischen Lieferbedingungen from 1942) and some fakes.
I add some fakes ( the print is without mistakes) from 1945 fva 13 boxes .
The box with the Zdh. ak 175 is a total fake box (code ggk 4) and label.
The box with the Zdh, faa 747 is original with Code lkc usual for fva but the label is new.