Would like to show this grouping that I obtained from a close family friend shortly before his passing. While I've collected helmets for twenty years, I don't know a lot about German firearms, and was looking for as much info on these items as I could get.
This set came from Earl Gibbs, assigned to the Mortar Platoon, 745th Tank Battalion, attached to the 1st Infantry Division. Earl landed in France in November 1944 and served with the division thru Belgium, the Battle of The Bulge, and finally into Czechoslovakia.
As with most vets, Earl was a great guy, always with a smile on his face. While he had quite a collection of "goodies" that he wanted to pass on to his family, no one was familiar with firearms so he let me have this small part of his collection that I am very honored to own.
Trying to find out as much as possible on these firearms including makers and value if possible. Will be photo intensive with comments, and documents, so may take a little while here. Will show the belt in that forum.
This set came from Earl Gibbs, assigned to the Mortar Platoon, 745th Tank Battalion, attached to the 1st Infantry Division. Earl landed in France in November 1944 and served with the division thru Belgium, the Battle of The Bulge, and finally into Czechoslovakia.
As with most vets, Earl was a great guy, always with a smile on his face. While he had quite a collection of "goodies" that he wanted to pass on to his family, no one was familiar with firearms so he let me have this small part of his collection that I am very honored to own.
Trying to find out as much as possible on these firearms including makers and value if possible. Will be photo intensive with comments, and documents, so may take a little while here. Will show the belt in that forum.