fake? Or can the engraver not spell? I am guessing someone ripped off a design from a presentation huntng rifle, made an error while engraving a PP, added some bogus SS... and this clunker is the result?
I am always amazed by the amount of work fakers sometimes put into an item, only to have it all completely ruined by spelling mistakes. Couldnt they at least get a native speaker to check the spelling before putting X hours of work in?
I am always amazed by the amount of work fakers sometimes put into an item, only to have it all completely ruined by spelling mistakes. Couldnt they at least get a native speaker to check the spelling before putting X hours of work in?
I am always amazed by the amount of work fakers sometimes put into an item, only to have it all completely ruined by spelling mistakes. Couldnt they at least get a native speaker to check the spelling before putting X hours of work in?
Totally agree. That must have been an awful lot of work and imo it looks awful.
I'm a german native speaker. The spelling is right as rain, there is no mistake. You can say " zum 50 jährigen Jubiläum ( or Jahrestag ) or just zum 50 jährigen. Nothing wrong with that.
Maybe correct as text, but certainly not nice engraved the message, same as no reason of the deadhead and no standart SS stamp, i personally believe its a fake.
I'm a german native speaker. The spelling is right as rain, there is no mistake. You can say " zum 50 jährigen Jubiläum ( or Jahrestag ) or just zum 50 jährigen. Nothing wrong with that.
I'm a swiss and speek fluently german.
The phrase is so far correct, the meaning is:
"To the 50th in remembering of many happy hunting hours".
But there is a BIG BUT in the phrase:
in the word "Jahrigen" are missing the 2 points above the a.
It should be written "Jährigen" !!!
Don't think somebody put so much effort, the engraving is not so well executed, into engraving and making this fault.
Guess the engraver wasn't german, cause only in german the letters ä, ö and ü exist. Many other nations have exactly with this letters problems to spell and/or write and do it many times wrong.
Just about that i would believe this is not a real piece.
But i'm not a expert in guns.
I'm a german native speaker. The spelling is right as rain, there is no mistake. You can say " zum 50 jährigen Jubiläum ( or Jahrestag ) or just zum 50 jährigen. Nothing wrong with that.
Ohhhhh... the modern German School System!!
the missing Umlaut on jährigen ? ;-)
This is nothing but a spoiled shooter with a "hyuck hyuck" bonus card when you show it on the range,,,,