Thought i would re-post some photos of my mg42.
It had a cof WaA519 top cover with some cof and some WaA11 marked feed levers.
Managed to find a WaA147 top cover to match other bpr components on gun this top cover also had enough WaA11 feed levers bits so i could make a complete WaA11 feed lever components top cover to match WaA11 Maget receiver CRA.
Had a post war bakerlite stock and managed to find and replace it with genuine bakerlite WaA11 stock.
The extension head of barrel was ruined in deactivation process by cutting away the locking grooves, Managed to replace it with barrel with complete extention head also looking like to me barrel is WaA11 marked.
Still looking for better bolt
It had a cof WaA519 top cover with some cof and some WaA11 marked feed levers.
Managed to find a WaA147 top cover to match other bpr components on gun this top cover also had enough WaA11 feed levers bits so i could make a complete WaA11 feed lever components top cover to match WaA11 Maget receiver CRA.
Had a post war bakerlite stock and managed to find and replace it with genuine bakerlite WaA11 stock.
The extension head of barrel was ruined in deactivation process by cutting away the locking grooves, Managed to replace it with barrel with complete extention head also looking like to me barrel is WaA11 marked.
Still looking for better bolt