Pics are a bit dark, and I don't like it too much. Can you show some clearer pics, including the side of the ring, flat? the 99.9% of AA sights I have seen had some stamp, either maker's logo or WaA but sometimes difficult to find.
Still not convinced it is original...The rough finish and the lack of any stamp, plus some other detail, make me think it is not good. I can't say if it is a good fake but it doesn't look like a good original. If I could choose, I wouldn't take it.
Thanks, I can see. The problem with the one that started the thread is, apart from the dark pics: either it has been reworked, or ill trated, or it is not good, and not having it on hand makes it difficult to say. As nowadays everything is being reproduced (even MP38s), when something is not so clear it is better to leave it (I have had up to 10 AA sights, different makings and period).