It could stand for 2./Panzer Abwehr Abteilung 47, or 2./Panzer Aufklaerungs Abteilung 47.
Problem here is, in both those Units there was no Abteilung with the number 47. That is all I could find so far.
What is the date on the holsters? I think army unit markings were officially done away with in 1916, although a few will still be found on 1917 and 1918 pistols.
The J.S. marking looks like a school marking. Could the other be post WWII?
J.S.264 is Infantrie Schule, Waffe 264 from the 1922 Reichswehr directive on unit marking. The other, while also Reichswehr, is an odd ball but may be artillery or even Pioneer.