I acquired this minature luger along with other items recently from an estate. Upon examining it I discovered the magazine was not only removable but functional as well and the pistol cocked and fired like a full size example and the safety and take down lever function as the would in a regular Luger. Even the hold open device works. The packet contains some scale sized 9mm rounds.
I brought this into the gunsmithing department at my club and the gunsmiths spent about 1/2 hour examining it. All the could do was shake their heads and marvel at the precision detail. The pistol is unmarked so there's no way to tell who built it.
I should have put a coin in for size comparison but the pistol is approximately 1 3/4" long and about 1" high
I brought this into the gunsmithing department at my club and the gunsmiths spent about 1/2 hour examining it. All the could do was shake their heads and marvel at the precision detail. The pistol is unmarked so there's no way to tell who built it.
I should have put a coin in for size comparison but the pistol is approximately 1 3/4" long and about 1" high