I have a decent Colt 1914 (60XXX) dated model 1911. I was wondering how you can determine if it is as issued? I do believe the barrel is WW2 issue, but not sure about the rest. There appears to be an inspector marking under the magazine release consisting of the letters WP in a circle. The original finish has worn, but some of the smaller parts still maintain a bit of blue/black color. Thanks in advance for your comments.
I have a decent Colt 1914 (60XXX) dated model 1911. I was wondering how you can determine if it is as issued? I do believe the barrel is WW2 issue, but not sure about the rest. There appears to be an inspector marking under the magazine release consisting of the letters WP in a circle. The original finish has worn, but some of the smaller parts still maintain a bit of blue/black color. Thanks in advance for your comments.