Hi, I was at my local small gun shop and a lady brought in her deceased husbands 98K. I heard her tell the clerk that she never liked guns & she had her husband fix it so it would not shoot. After she left I walked over & asked the owner of the shop if I could look at it. I said what did he do to ot that it doesn't shoot and he said there is a piece of lead in the bore just in front of the chamber and a drop of sauder over the fire pin on the face of the bolt. What a shame. Although the bolt does not match, it is a 1940, 42 code. The top piece of wood over the barrel is missing. I don't know what he gave the lady but he has it for sale for $300.00. I guess it is not a bad price if you want one for a display only. I am sure you can find the missing wood somewhere but it is a bring back & not imported. I was tempted but I did not get it. Just thought I would share this story.