Does anyone have interior pictures of German small arm assembly lines?
I would love to go back in time, (wouldn't we all) sign the visitors book. Be issued a name badge & have a guided tour of mp40 production. Were the various components shipped in from other places & assembled or all produced on site?
What machine tools were used. Generally, were the small arms made in a section of a plant that made other stuff or did they have their own dedicated sites.
I've spent some time searching for pictures but haven't had much sucsess.
This guy tells his friends, "i don't assemble dish washers, I produce MG34s!"
I would love to go back in time, (wouldn't we all) sign the visitors book. Be issued a name badge & have a guided tour of mp40 production. Were the various components shipped in from other places & assembled or all produced on site?
What machine tools were used. Generally, were the small arms made in a section of a plant that made other stuff or did they have their own dedicated sites.
I've spent some time searching for pictures but haven't had much sucsess.
This guy tells his friends, "i don't assemble dish washers, I produce MG34s!"