Hi Robert, what a nice find! I do like the G41 in particular. I have never had the opportunity to handle or shoot one of these ( never will now in the UK ) . I have only ever seen them in museums.
Cheers, Ade.
Hell old man! come on over to the USA, if you ever get this way let me know. I will take you shooting, but don't bring any of that damm black beer it makes me feel like Sh#T the next day.
Semper Fi,
Thanks for the thumbs up on the rifles! Infact I have a complete spare stock with all the original hardware, just need to find a g43 "WAapmt'd 359" whose stock has been butchered.
Terry and Chris,
Forgive my play on words. The only story to me and my collection is that years ago I picked up
most of this stuff, the guns where locked in a vault and the medals, uniforms, blades, cloth etc. was packed away in box’s.
It wasn’t until I stumbled on to this Forum and with the encouragement of Frank Mills a Forum member that I rediscovered my old hobby. By the way Frank is a real nice fellow, who’s home I was fortunate to visit. He and his family are very nice people.
So I continue to inventory and try to decide what direction to go and what to trade etc. I have decided that I will trade the Imperial Lugers and that is about as far as I have gotten.
In the meantime I like to share items and meet the forum members such as Dick Pumhrey who has been a great resource and “pen pal”.
That the story, sorry its not more exciting.
“Ein Hessian”