$10,000.00 Reward
Reward offered for the return of these firearms and / or information leading to
an arrest and conviction.
Contact Cobb Co. Police Dept. (770) 499-3900
Det. D.M. Price (770) 499-4179
Case # 06-016-444
The following list of firearms was stolen from V.S. Honey on 02/03/06, in Cobb
Co. Georgia ( Marietta, Ga. ) Please share this information with anyone who
might be of help or come in contact with these firearms. Mr. Honey appreciates
your help in this matter, please contact him or his son if you have any
questions or information that will help in the recovery of these firearms.
Steve Honey : (404) 213-2322
Ryan Honey (404) 861-8855
DWM 1900 American Eagle 5657 30Luger 99%
DWM 1902 Test Commercial 22328 9 m/m 99%
DWM 1906 American Eagle 45038 9 m/m 98% cal. 9 mag
DWM 1906 Swiss Cross & Shield 11136 30Luger 99%
DWM 1908 Navy (6" barrel) 7083b 9 m/m 99% Crown M proofs left side chamber-2
position rear sights
DWM 1908 Commercial 55568 9 m/m 99%
DWM 1908 Early Co
mmercial 52415 9 m/m 98% B U G proof left side chamber
DWM 1912 First issue - no stock lug 5624 9 m/m 98% Hold open added
DWM 1913 Military 9 m/m 97%
DWM 1914 Military 6781a 9 m/m 98% Early 1914 with long sear11 bar
DWM 1915 Military 6629g 9 m/m 98% Matching # mag.
DWM 1916 Military 9 m/m 98%
DWM 1918 Military 8093c 9 m/m 98% Matching # mag. ( I have 2nd matching mag.&
DWM 1908 Commercial 55449 9 m/m 98%
DWM 1914 Artillery 355 9 m/m 100% Has stock #355 & holster,cleaning rod &
takedown tool
DWM 1914 Artillery 965 9 m/m 99%
DWM 1915 Artillery 9 m/m 98%
DWM 1916 Artillery 9 m/m 97%
Accessories to Artillery Lugers:
One 1st.mod. Trommel mag.-snell drum
Two 2nd.mod. Trommel mag. snelldrum
Two Loading tools for snelldrums
Mauser S/42 G-date Police 4187c 9 m/m 99%
Mauser S/42 G-date Navy 4522d 9 m/m 98% Lg. eagle/m on grip strap,mag&gun
matching #4522d & both
property numbered N-1180
Mauser Mauser Banner Police,1942 cham.date 5555u 9m/m 99% Eagle/L proof right side
Mauser C-96 early prewar commercial 69996 7.63 100%
Mauser C-96 early prewar commercial 195245 7.63 99%
Mauser C-96 Bolo 606929 7.63 99%
Continued on next page
Mauser C-96 Red 9 WW1 military xx494 9m/m 99% Red 9 Routed into grips
last 3 digits
Astra Model 900 3 line logo 33689 9 m/m 98% Nazi procurement range
Astra Model 900 2 line logo 7.36 98% Early mod. 900
Walther PPK 228430k 7.65 97% Eagle/N proof, One flat bottom & one extension
Walther PPK 216524k 7.65 97% Eagle/ N proof, One flat bottom & one ext. mag.&
Walther PPK 981391 7.65 98% Crown/Proof,One flat bottom mag.numbered to gun&
under muzzle , also springloaded flap on holster
Walther PPK 321271k 7.65 98% Eagle/N proof, Two flat bottom mags. #ed to
gun-last 3 digits
Walther PPK 173329k 7.65 98% Crown/N proof, One flat botton & One extension mag.&
Mauser Mod.1910 6.35 98% Commercial
Mauser Mod.1914 7.65 98% Imperial Army proofs
Mauser Mod.1914 7.65 98% Commercial
Mauser Mod.1934 98% Commercial 7.65 cal.
Deutsch Werke Ortgies Patent 6.35 98% Commercial
Deutsch Werke Ortgies Patent 7.65 98% Commercial