I guess it would have been a great dagger if it still had the original blade.
Well don't be surprised if a 'period' blade won't appear on some later date....Not that he would do it...just that those things have a strange way of happening in this hobby with uncanny mysterious frequency.
Hi this is my opinion on B&A daggers.All the ones that were made post war that I have seen are stamped Germany.They are made poorly with mismatched parts. If I seen one like this that was made well that did not have the Germany stamp I would say it was made befor 1945.I have never seen a B&A that was not stamped Germany.Best regards.
Here is anothere one with the stamp.It is small but I think you can still see it.
Thank You for bringing this to my attention ..I have ended this offering and will be relisting this for good original WKC parts minus the postwar stamped blade . I had never had one like this before and it had a good original look when I purchased it . Thanks againfor your help .. Brent