As far as sabers, degens, fliegherschwerts, etc. go, the forum has been dryer then the Mojave. I will concede we had good dialogue which solicited discussion from the membership about a SS degen.
So hopefully I can jump start some sword action. I post a few of my favorite personal pieces from my collection in the morning. Please, if someone else wants to leed by all means post your stuff. How 'bout we keep it on Heer saber topics. If that doesn't work, I guess we will have to progess to degens, flyerswords, justive, mining...what ever
Good collecting and lets see them killin' sticks
As far as sabers, degens, fliegherschwerts, etc. go, the forum has been dryer then the Mojave. I will concede we had good dialogue which solicited discussion from the membership about a SS degen.
So hopefully I can jump start some sword action. I post a few of my favorite personal pieces from my collection in the morning. Please, if someone else wants to leed by all means post your stuff. How 'bout we keep it on Heer saber topics. If that doesn't work, I guess we will have to progess to degens, flyerswords, justive, mining...what ever
Good collecting and lets see them killin' sticks