Here's something I picked up a year or two ago, a 3R produced Polizei bayonet by Eickhorn. This is a private purchase piece with a lightweight aluminum hilt. The blade is not the cut down version which shows just the silghtest of runner marks. It may very well be an unissued bayonet since the only real detraction is the missing grip eagle although I have my suspicions this was done postwar by the vet.
Here's the maker mark, the 1942 & thereafter Eickhorn logo. This mark is not commonly found on Polizei bayonets. Sorry for the poor shot, it was all I had on the hard drive.
Very nice pieces, I have some questions regarding Wags full Rohm. As far as I have researched regarding the trade marks that were used on these daggers, after the so called X-mas dagger. Only the small double oval TM is the accepted TM that was positioned very close to the crossguard and these TM's were used only on the Rohm? Is there something that I have missed here, as I have always had the impression these large Oval TM's positioned away from the crossguard was a major red flag?
You bring up a interesting point regarding the Eickhorn logo on Rohm daggers.
Just so everyone knows what we are talking about, RK noticed that something was amiss with my bagged Rohm. He was expecting to see the only Rohm accepted logo that looks like this....
Actually this was the last logo style used on the Rohms. There were at least three that I know of.
Also this small Eickhorn logo was not just used on Rohm daggers but also on SA "Presentation Daggers."
It's a rather involved topic that I hope to do a thread on myself in the future so not to take away from Mike Everet's.
But to answer your question, the "production" Rohm SA's (Post Christmas daggers) first started with using the full size logo for a very short time. Days maybe a couple of weeks before shrinking it and moving it close to the crossguard until Rohm production ceased.
Thanks very much Wags for explaning this further regarding the TM's used on the Rohm. I never knew the large TM's were used for a very short time before they switched to the small double ovals! And that is very interesting as well regarding these small double ovals being used on presentation daggers! You learn something new everyday! Will look forward to seeing the thread that your planning on doing on this subject in the near future!