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UK Sword Ban Petition!

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    UK Sword Ban Petition!

    Apparently the British Government has a proposed ban on the import, sale and manufacture of swords.

    If you feel strongly enough, please sign the petition:



    Cheers, Ade.





        They'll be banning the import/export of cornish pasties next!!!!

        Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

        Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


          signed. this govt. is starting to seriously irritate me now.


            Banning of Swords

            Will this ban also include Daggers? Petition signed


              HM Goverment.

              Well , we got what was voted for - funny thing is I can't see this nanny goverment doing much to reduce the nature or number of offensive weapons or fire arms in the hands of the criminal population.

              An outright ban "tough on crime" right Tony , where you going for holiday this year and who is paying for the flight ?
              Have done likewise


                I'm stunned. I have a difficult time fathoming the banning of edged weapons. As a whole, a saber as opposed to a steak knife both can accomplish the same thing.

                Some of the laws in the US, particularly California, prohibit certain types of edged weapons. These laws were enacted many many years ago and were not of benevolent intent. Butterfly knifes for example, are a felony in CA. Carrying a loaded, concealed weapon in CA is only a misdo. These laws were enacted to target certain groups and were not designed very justly. I'm only trying to point out some of the hypocracy and riduculousness of certain laws.


                  "I think", the proposed ban is for Japanese swords in particular... but who knows?

                  If it were to go through, Dealer's and Collector's may have to obtain a licence.

                  I also think the the Government is trying to ban replica guns as well, after the recent shootings in south London.


                    Originally posted by SwordFish View Post
                    Butterfly knifes for example, are a felony in CA. Carrying a loaded, concealed weapon in CA is only a misdo. These laws were enacted to target certain groups and were not designed very justly. I'm only trying to point out some of the hypocracy and riduculousness of certain laws.
                    Actually there isn't any hypocrisy comparing a butterfly knife to a handgun. True, a handgun is more of a deadly weapon but the reason it is a misd is because of its proven viability as a deterrent to crime as well as being a defensive weapon. Butterfly knives, like brass knuckles, nunchucks and other weapons deemed as felonious to own, actually invite mutual combat in order to be used to defend one's self. That's what you don't want- an attacker having to get up close to you within range to do great bodily harm. So people- good people- illegally carry concealed firearms because they put distance between a potential/actual victim and their attacker, so it can be articulated in court that a handgun was carried for self defense and it be proven correct. Certain knives, etc are prohibited because there is more of a likelihood that they will be used as offensive weapons instead of defensive.
                    WAF LIFE COACH


                      I understand and agree with your premise. However, I guarantee that was not the intent of the legistlature when these laws were ratified. I can assure you I have more than a cursory understanding of our Penal system in CA, based on my profession which I'm not going to elaborate on.

                      The penal code contains some very archaic and antiquated laws that are not (IMHO) currently beneficial to the greater population of this state. However, based on the complex Calfornia constitution, removing or amending existing laws is very difficult. Most folks don't have a very clear picture of what it takes to make changes to certain administrative as well a punitive laws.

                      Our Governor, did not initially realize how monumental a challenge he was attempting to undertake once he took office.


                        Signed it ,i doubt it will make much difference though,the road charge petition had more than 1.7 million signatures on it but they are still looking in to bringing the charges out.So much for listening to the people.Never mind us brits will moan and groan and then just accept it.
                        I have heard you can make a mess of someone with a nine iron golf club which many people travel with secreted in there golf bags in there car boots,watch out guys you could be next
                        cheers gaz


                          ban on swords

                          With regard to the gov.proposed ban on swords.A few years ago i returned from Rhodesia,because i was well used to firearms all my life i joined a local gun club.I owned a s.w.semi auto .45 and a s.w. .38 revolver.I passed all the criteria for owning these guns.The club was registered and used by the police.I had to give up my guns,for which i never had full value.Since the gun ban has been in force there are more scrots. running around with them than ever.How many times has a sword been used in a murder?Knives ,pens ropes razors.Where is it all going to end?Welcome to the British Dictatorship.


                            Admin... any chance of making this a, "pinned thread", until May?


                              Sad commentary from the once great land of King Arthur and his sword Excaliber.

                              You gentlemen need to take your government to task. Or, if that fails retake your country from the government for the good of what is dear to all.

                              Just a few thoughts from a 'colonial' point of view.

                              An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.

                              "First ponder, then dare." von Moltke


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