IMO neither black nor LW blue, but late war dark grey green - I had one of these in my hands once and the colour can be difficult to identify if you are taking pics indoors. Out in the sun, the real colour comes back to life.
Still no period picture of a Dorette in use has emerged as far as I am aware. Using the logic used in many other parts of this forum, the Dorette should therefore be considered a fake! (Since it clearly isn't it just highlights the flawed logic used in the collecting world....)
There's one more mystery device - Wechselrichtersatz (SE) p.
US Signal Corps report:
"This is a report on "Wechselrichterstaz (SE) p", manufactured in 1944, the name of manufacturer and place of manufacture being unknown. The purpose of this apparatus is to supply voltage at a proper current capacity for a radio transmitter or receiver or both. The voltage and current characteristics of this power supply do not check with the data available on known German receivers and transmitters. It is therefore not known with what set or sets this power supply is used. It was found in a tank, but no other radio equipment was located. From the construction of the unit it is evident that it was designed for vehicular use, and it operates from a 12 volt battery, which is the type used in German military vehicles. A wiring diagram and 5 photographs are included in the report."