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German (Slovak made) civilmutze!

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    German (Slovak made) civilmutze!

    German pattern (Slovak made) civilmutze!
    Made in the city of "Bratislava" aka "Pressburg" in German language, as stated inside the cap.

    Complete address info is also in German!

    Franz Kaniok
    Kürschner - Kappenmacher (=cap maker in German)
    Bratislava - Pressburg (the latter the German name for Bratislava)
    Schondorfergasse 56
    "Passage" = indoor shopping mall

    Based on the maker info there is no doubt that it's a pre 1945 German Volksgruppe civil mutze.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by NickG; 04-29-2017, 01:59 PM.

    It came with an army eagle with a broken prong... Instead of a regular political-civilian eagle.
    I opted for a rarer SS style Slovak eagle, clutching a swastika on a shield, as shown in the next set of images
    (worn by their political party, Slovak version of the NSDAP)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by NickG; 04-29-2017, 02:17 PM.


      Attached Files
      Last edited by NickG; 04-29-2017, 02:08 PM.


        Maybe it was worn by a Slovak Nazy party Volksdeutsche member/sympathizer?
        The cockade btw did not come with it...)
        Attached Files
        Last edited by NickG; 04-29-2017, 02:25 PM.


          But looking at this Civilmutze, photographed in Amsterdam, it could also be a cap worn by a civilian driver in German service...

          Maybe that is what it represents? In German army service? Army eagle?
          The officer in the front seat is SS!

          I had shown this cap before but with this image surfacing, thought to revisit this cap!
          So perhaps a driver's cap?
          Attached Files
          Last edited by NickG; 04-29-2017, 02:20 PM.


            It is slovakian made cap and the eagle is KDP eagle - Karpathen Deutcsche Partei.
            The party of the carpathian germans living in Slovakia.Interesting cap.


              Hallo Nick

              I have a confirmation in my files from a work titled Najrušnejšie obchodné ulice Bratislavy v 20. a 30. rokoch 20. Storočia = The busiest shopping streets of Bratislava in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. Obchodný ruch vo vnútornom meste - historickom mestskom jadre = Business in the inner city - the historic city core: “ … Opustíme pasáž, ideme naspäť k Laurinskej bráne a navštívime známy obchodný dom s kožuchmi Franz Kaniok (č. 26). Už 48 rokov obsluhuje táto firma so solídnymi cenami pánsky a dámsky svet. Všetky druhy kožušinových výrobkov, opravy a nové výrobky sú úslužne zabezpečené … “ = … We leave the passage, go back to Laurinska Gate and visit the famous Franz Kaniok fur shop (No. 26). For over 48 years, this company has been running men and women's world with solid prizes. All kinds of fur products, repairs and new products are secured …

              This with reference to the manufacturer. As for the visor I think a civilian driver of the German Army headquarters.

              Best regards



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