If its a fake, why bother putting bergmutze style grommets on it...I wonder???
That's an extra cost and not even necessary if you are trying to copy an M43 for reenactors.
I personally like the silky blue lining material and stamp also looks believable...
Note that not all companies adhered to the RBNr coding system immediately and its implimentation was sporadic...
True that the stitching is irratic in some areas (bill) but mostly straight and tight...
The cap also has as far as I can tell natural wear...(lining staining)
Its a difficult one (for me at least) , that's for sure... I'm not convinced either way (good or bad)...
but in my opinion it is NOT necessarily a "slam dunk" (=obvious) fake... "in hand" inspection would help!!
but the majority vote will seal its fate!