Many of the very experienced, old time collectors are reluctant to point out flaws in reproductions because they believe by doing so, the fakes will become that much better. One can argue the pros and cons of this position but in the end, one must respect another's belief's. There are numerous examples of good caps in this forum and many more bad ones. Education and experience makes us all better colletors. Just my opinion...
Ok well I've been collecting since the 70’s; I'm almost 44 years old, does that make me a "very experienced, old time collector"? I learned what I had to learn many years ago way before this or any other forum, hell for that matter even before the Internet. I pointed out what I KNOW to be incorrect with this cap, yet was shot down, as pointed out in the above quote. How can anybody learn from this forum if we are not willing to “point out the flaws”. It seems we are only willing to state that it is a fake, YET not as to why because the "fakers" may learn something, that's bunk. The fakers have been doing this well over 30 years, if not longer, they buy an original (s) study it, take it apart and make their "product", hoping that somebody will come along and purchase it, dealer or whomever. No I believe in passing my knowledge along, no holding back, why not, yeah I know the dealer and book authors don't like the fact that people are willing to pass what they know along for free. Face it they are in the business to make money; when it comes to Militaria collecting they’re not the Salvation Army in regards to advice. Again I stand by what I said, can anybody else help out a fellow collector, or are you afraid to tip off the forgers.
Ok well I've been collecting since the 70’s; I'm almost 44 years old, does that make me a "very experienced, old time collector"?....How can anybody learn from this forum if we are not willing to “point out the flaws”....It seems we are only willing to state that it is a fake, YET not as to why because the "fakers" may learn something, that's bunk...No I believe in passing my knowledge along, no holding back...
Not placing myself in the category of "very experienced," yet admittedly old, I would think that you have every right to feel the way you do, as others have the same right to participate to the extent that they choose. Should you disagree, welcome to a public forum!
Welcome to forum, feel free to point out the flaws in detail. Some don't wish to do that, that's their right, no big deal. There's no right or wrong way to post here after all.