Not so long ago I posted an Heer General's cap for discussion. A friend of mine was considering buying it which he did. Thanks to all for their help, time, and assistance.
My same friend now has the oppty to purchase the attached A-SS Officer's cap. These are the only pics (pretty bad I know) he has for now but if more are needed, he can get them. I'm no cloth expert and am only posting these for him as he's somewhat "computer challenged". This is a four owner cap including the A-SS Officer who wore it. For what it's worth, the gentleman who own's it now bought it from another collector somewhere b/w 1969-1972.
IMHO, I think the cap if wonderful, but as mentioned before, am no cloth expert.
So, what do you guys think?
Thanks to all for your help and assistance.
Larry F.
Not so long ago I posted an Heer General's cap for discussion. A friend of mine was considering buying it which he did. Thanks to all for their help, time, and assistance.
My same friend now has the oppty to purchase the attached A-SS Officer's cap. These are the only pics (pretty bad I know) he has for now but if more are needed, he can get them. I'm no cloth expert and am only posting these for him as he's somewhat "computer challenged". This is a four owner cap including the A-SS Officer who wore it. For what it's worth, the gentleman who own's it now bought it from another collector somewhere b/w 1969-1972.
IMHO, I think the cap if wonderful, but as mentioned before, am no cloth expert.
So, what do you guys think?
Thanks to all for your help and assistance.
Larry F.