Here are photos of the most realistic fake SS Officer buckle in aluminum ever produced. This buckle is on the North American market since over a year and is sold in very few quantity, even if some auction houses/sites are offering it on a regular basis.
Prices for it are never set less (reserve) than $200 with an average of $500 (very painful experience isn't it ?). The marking on it is the exact replica of the original Overhoff marking used in 1940 (so 36/40 is the set of numbers seen on the back along with RZM, SS and OLC.
This fake buckle is not cast, but die stuck, so relief is crisp and perfect.
Size is correct, not too small, not too large compared to the original.
Aluminum used for it is the correct one (or at least matching is perfect) and is not too gray like older production and will not turn gray neither.
So, in resume, this fake buckle is very convincing even if there is still few differences with the original, some been obvious.
I will not say what are these differences in an open forum (since I don't know who can read threads I do not want help fakers furthermore) but I am again posting photos of this fake. So picture it in your memory: if you are going to buy the exact same buckle, do not do it !!! There is of course original SS Officer buckles in aluminum marked the same out there but they are different.
I will gladely help any of you to establish if the buckle you plan to buy, or already bought, if a fake or a genuine one, but I will do so only if you send to my private email address photos of the buckle in question.
Prices for it are never set less (reserve) than $200 with an average of $500 (very painful experience isn't it ?). The marking on it is the exact replica of the original Overhoff marking used in 1940 (so 36/40 is the set of numbers seen on the back along with RZM, SS and OLC.
This fake buckle is not cast, but die stuck, so relief is crisp and perfect.
Size is correct, not too small, not too large compared to the original.
Aluminum used for it is the correct one (or at least matching is perfect) and is not too gray like older production and will not turn gray neither.
So, in resume, this fake buckle is very convincing even if there is still few differences with the original, some been obvious.
I will not say what are these differences in an open forum (since I don't know who can read threads I do not want help fakers furthermore) but I am again posting photos of this fake. So picture it in your memory: if you are going to buy the exact same buckle, do not do it !!! There is of course original SS Officer buckles in aluminum marked the same out there but they are different.
I will gladely help any of you to establish if the buckle you plan to buy, or already bought, if a fake or a genuine one, but I will do so only if you send to my private email address photos of the buckle in question.