Hello expert I need to abuse of your experiences and knowledge...so would like to know more about this early brown leather set...
belt buckle is 1936 dated; belt (93 cm) is 1935 dated and LBA/Lw unit marked;
got it over than 20 years ago..its in perfect matching conditions and really looks like a period put together one (despite of lw markings)..
every thought, evidence and info about will be helpfull and very glad
thanks to all in advance
belt buckle is 1936 dated; belt (93 cm) is 1935 dated and LBA/Lw unit marked;
got it over than 20 years ago..its in perfect matching conditions and really looks like a period put together one (despite of lw markings)..
every thought, evidence and info about will be helpfull and very glad
thanks to all in advance