at the end of 43-begin 44 the german wehrmacht used as everywhere opelblitz trucks
but some in hungary or bulgary (probably used by luftwaffe units?? not shure of this) had armoured plate in front of their radiator and armoured doors, roof
I am yet searching yet for pictures of this special one
there are pictures from this taken i saw them a few months ago but cannot remember where i saw them.
those opel blitz trucks that had that sort of armour had also flak installed in their cargo compartment
thanks in advance
at the end of 43-begin 44 the german wehrmacht used as everywhere opelblitz trucks
but some in hungary or bulgary (probably used by luftwaffe units?? not shure of this) had armoured plate in front of their radiator and armoured doors, roof
I am yet searching yet for pictures of this special one
there are pictures from this taken i saw them a few months ago but cannot remember where i saw them.
those opel blitz trucks that had that sort of armour had also flak installed in their cargo compartment
thanks in advance