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Otto & Karolina Gahr piece / Wiking Ship

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    Thanks...just part of the movement in the 20s and 30s celebrating Nordic culture and history. Symbolic brooches like these were part of that revival period before and during the war made by Scandinavian and German silversmiths.


      hey there Guys

      They are pretty nice badges you Guys have arround the vikings, they always give me a glims im my eye and yer RBH is Danish and was one of the main silbersmeth here in denmark whit fashion jugendstile jewelery in that period.

      I do special like the 3 badge in post 7 not becurse it made in denmark but becurse the symbolism represent something very important, the first 2 badges might not be that clear in symbolism but the 3 badge is the Genesis badge, the story on what and how we are created acording to the goddespoem form the older edda so its a highly religius badge whit a very intresting history on how they saw religion in that timeperiod. a very nice badge whit a doubble function both as a brosche and a neckless jewerlery , its pretty expensive here and not made in millions so keep it tight


        Hey Carsten, thanks for the info and comments!

        I did not realize that was what the brooch depicted. How did you come to that conclusion?

        I have 3 of these - all slightly different.

        One of mine is marked RBH and one is not marked but I suspect it is Magnus Aase. The 3rd one is marked Elvik.


          Interesting badges and thread


            heya cap

            your welcome mate, and yes the the first badge is proberly magnus aase from bergen but it will be marked as so :

   or it might be thisone :

   in imo is the right one. the needle and hinge points on a early postwar serie. imo hes ornamentation and symbolism semms a bit cheep.

            the norwedigan elvik i like thoe hes ornamentaion and symbolism seems the same but still a high quality badge.

            arround the depiction and conclusion on your badge from denmark is maybee more easy for me to read where its free of filth like nazis in wich sadly didnt studdy the runes enough to know that missuse of runes brings unluck and etc. makes it somehow more clear . well today meny of us is living in the I and NOW wich makes the signs more transperant and too much makes them invisuable in the end. I dont mind spending some time explaning it for you, imm on vacation now so i got some spare time

            Your badges symbolism is as i said a giveaway for me, but ill guess meny belive its a viking ship whit a dragon bloving vind in the sails or something in that direction...but its not. the badge representate the vikings view of the creation of the universe and in the end US humans before year 1000, basicly we are a minor part in the Whole history but deffently a important part.
            Before we move into the highly esoteric subject as the norse mythology and the aintcient religion we had here once then idd translated some tekst from one of our cronnikes for you :

            Nordic religion and mythology, is an imprecise term for the religion and mythology, which were grown in the Nordic countries (ie what is now Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden as well as areas that were under the influence here) until the introduction of Christianity, which took place over a ca. 100-year period from ca. 960 You meet frequently the view that the Nordic religion is the religion that had been in Scandinavia during the Viking Age, but it is not possible to establish any breach of religion at the beginning of the Viking Age approx. 800, and the starting point for the religion that we encounter in the written source material, can not be specified. A number of features are certainly back to the time when the Aryans represented a more or less unified culture, and thus at least to the 3rd millennium BC

            So we are talking aintcient recuring religion here way back in mandkind, the christianity was pretty late in the viking history and was practically forced into the communitys by the lokal vikingchief and as i see the the religion part based on well dokumented informations both by sagas, rune inscriptions and vitneses then it highly points to be a part of a trade made at that time whit the Eastern/asia people and if not the would not continue Trading whit them, and my own persolanlly opinion is that it might also be a smart weapon to stop the vikings from these people in wich was under constantly threath from the vikings greedyness, so pretty smart if so. Basicly christianity was the " packeges solution " here and its very intresting to see the transmission between the two religions where its pretty clear whats coppied from the old religion to the new.

            as i see the old norse religion its way older then christianity and runs parralell whit evolution based on lifelong eksperience from generations to generations so its basicly constantly updated in wich form it makes it more belivable along the timeline.

            To decifer the Genesis retorik ill have to invite you into the darkworld, shaddowworld well here we call it the foggworld Niflheim but before we sets sails i must warn you, thats it on your own risk lets get on to the history
            lets have a look on the old edda in wich stands for age, visdom and experience, a tale of good and evil. normally it was the oldest or elderly that decided what was bedst or had the most wise Word for each community.

            Niflheim was a dark and cold region under the roots of Yggdrasil ( lifetree, Odins tree ). Through Niflheim runs a huge river, Hvergelmir. The flowing at a speed such that it can not reach freezing. Hvergelmir divides into 12 smaller rivers, Elivagar. These rivers flow towards the south, towards Ginnungagap.

            Ginnungagab is a gulf between Niflheim, the icy area to the north, In Niflheim live a giant snake near the fountain Hvergelmer. the snake is Nidhug
            From Hvergelmer begins 12 icy rivers that flow into the Ginnungagab where they meets whit flames and lava from Muspelheim. In this meeting of cold and heat, in Ginnungagap, was a cold rimefrost. The hot air from Muspelheim got the frost to melt, and the drops occurs ur-jette Ymir, who was the ancestor of the giants, and there was thus the first life according to Norse mythology.

            So vikings belive in life starting whit a acid whater from vulcanos and the evolution of that the World will be created. So basicly we are suns and daughters of the hidden sun in wich created the World.

            But vikings also predikted how it ended ill be back on that later.

            By Hvergelmir, there are a myriad of snakes and many rivers flowing from its source and this is the worst among the dead, think leaders and murderers, be tormented by Nidhugs beak.
            When Vikings died, and it was not in combat, they thought that they came to the grave, which was ruled by Hel, Loki's daughter. But before they got there, they had to pass Nidhug. Nidhug sucked all the blood out of all the people who passed by, so they were quite pale. When all the blood had left them, it was easier for Hel to get them into her army of the dead who would attack people when Ragnarok once came.
            well this tems Means that those people that die whitout honnor as, murderes, liers, or basicly people whit a bad moral, will feed the dark army in wich will be used Against the humans the day that the World will end. or in modern Words we will be the victims of our own bad moral.

            just before ragnarok Thor meets the midgaardworm , Midgard worm in Norse mythology part of jetteline. He is the child of Loki and Angerboda and in famaly whit lokis daughter hel ( hell, satan, helved as we still says here ) His siblings are Hel and Fenriswolf, so when people says you can go to hell they mean ull have to meat lokis daughter in wich is a half corps and half living.

            Midgard worm lies in the ocean after Odin, the ases attempts to control the beasts, have thrown it out there to drown it. The worm wind around the entire Earth and biting its own tail. ( as pictured on your badge )

            Thor confronted with the midgaardworm twice. The first time, when Thor, Loki and Tjalve visit Udgardsloke. Here Thor vain attempt to lift a giantcat, which proves to be Midgard worm. The second confrontation occurs is during a cruise where Thor is joined by the giant Hymer. Thor gets lured Midgard worm forward, but he will try to kill it with a hammer Mjolnir, disturbed him in his project of Hymer.

            A mighty saga has predicted that Thor and Midgard worm will meet once again, namely Ragnarok, where they will get to fight the final battle. Midgard worm will then come up on land and meander through valleys and meadows, and during the ferocious battle Thor will end up killing the worm, and then he ends up at the same time to be killed by the serpent's venom.

            and thats what your badge mirrors in history that Thor tryed to kill the snake before ragnarok but he did not succeded that task. so Thors destiny was of elswhere.
            Ragnarok in Germanic and Nordic religion term for a series of events that leads to destruction. The word means the Gods fate and means that the powerful gods will die in the last and decisive battle with their enemies. A series of signs is predikted by the vikings and Ragnarok is initiated by natural disasters, which culminates in a fimbulvinter ( a very long Vinther snowing from all sides ), which lasts for three consecutive years without summers. Then the gods on the one hand fighting giants with kaosuhyrerne. Most fighters will die, even the greatest gods. The battle ends of a worldwide fire, then the earth will sink into the sea. A new and freshly ground rises, populated by the few survivors of the gods generates a human couple. Ragnarok was an important element in the Nordic world understanding of importance for the interpretation of many conditions in Nordic culture.

            So did the vikings predikt the atomic war in wich will cause nature Chaos conditions all over the World released by a Brother killing a Brother and by meny disputes between leaders and people whit bad moral ? well acording to the tekst then we are created to prosprone ragnarok becurse we cant prevent the Worlds ends, its already in our Destiny. and when we fails life will start over Again in a better World.

            well cap its up to each to decide whats real or not and what i just told you is just a minor fragment of the ainctient norse mythology but as i said a very important part thats is pictured in your badge and thats why i call it the Genesis badge or if you perfer Destiny badge, its the same.



            cheers cap


              thanks Carsten for taking us along on that odyssey! It is very fascinating folklore and the badge has new meaning to us now.

              There are several viking brooches without the sea-serpent also. So, the viking theme was also important without reference to the edda but it is interesting to think that all these badges were important to silversmiths of the third reich such as Otto Gahr in recalling the old traditions. As Heinrich Schild included them in his Gahr book, they had an effect on the ss craftsmen as well it seems.

              But the viking theme was already being used on plates and other wooden items too such as this ahnentruhe. And this 1937 Gau badge which featured the Viking Ship and swastika.
              Attached Files


                heya cap

                well cap the Things that often cheats a bit is that we cant always see the forrest becurse of all the trees and yes its very important for the nationalists, especillly this theme, you have to go back and see the configuration of the territorie and in this timeperiod almost 1/4 of what we call germany today was owned by the norse vikings and had a enormus impact on the nearby areas, so later in time the gradly took it as Theres history so you can say they stole it by time and yet Again it is a great part of there own history today so no Wonder why its confusing.

                As the masive impact the vikings had thats intresting to read is that the D-DAY have happend before.... yer you heard right on excact same spot by the norse viking king rollo ( in wich in the end was a idiot but thats another story ) in wich named normandy after the norse people after the first D-DAY so yer old story and take England in wich are named after the norse people that left or emigrated from angel ( now germany ) so the original name would be angelland instead of Engeland well it goes on in some kind of redundansy mate some callit faith. During the nazi period its was the new religion in wich the SS pretorians was main guarding and ill guess if the nazi would have continued the christianity would have been doomed and maybee be the last to fill the gas chambers. yer who knows

                its really cool Things you have there

                cheers cap



         bring back the thread with another nice viking brooch..not mine but from a friend of mine collection.
                  Its the early one pictured in the Gahr Book with RBH maker mark. case does not belong to the brooch
                  Attached Files


                    Quite a lovely piece...thanks for sharing it!


                    Br. James


                      Very nice. If I wasn't collecting GPBs, this would probably be my major interest.


                        norwegian silver brooch by Marius Hammer, about 1910-1920s
                        Attached Files


                          Wonderful badges!

                          Thanks for sharing.


                            very nice a few of my collection...hope you like them...






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