As far as I'm concerned the "tinnies" and their lineage can be traced back to the Imperial War Badges (hollow) with a few becoming some of the most sought after pieces collected today. Some of the biggest names back in the day were rarely seen wearing any medals at all but ALL sported some tinnies/pins (Bormann- Frontbann pin, Himmler- 1929 RPT tinnie, etc).
Overlooked by some, tinnies remain as perhaps the most affordable chapter of our hobby with some of the finest designs and a plenty of types to provide years of "chase" and enjoyment.
The piece you shared with us here may not be the most expensive pin but it definitely contains a lot of esthetic value with the overall eagle design on one hand and the red wool background as a contrast on the other (guess we know where they got the idea for SS tuxedo badges background from).
Great piece- congrats!!
Nice and original badge and yes the retoric whitin the badges souts the time and ideoligy in germany, but if u strip it from the ideoligy part, then they are actually some of the more awsome design and manufactoring whitin the tinnie catagory in my opinion or in other Words they are made whit care.
heres a small part of my SA Collection and whit eagle/ swords some in same designish way so of speak, well i like them together
Ron, Carsten... Very nice items.
Collecting tinnies is a good chance to get a big, nice and rare collection of original TR pieces without invest a lot of money.
I have always thought that the Tagungsabzeichen and in my case, those relating to the SA, are either loathed or loved within the collecting community and with no "half way house" as they say.
More often than not, the quality of manufacture toward these essentially day or few days specific badges is quite exceptional, bearing in mind that the badge would of course be irrelevant after a few days, other than possibly holding a sentimental value to the purchaser and wearer.
Even so, the manufacturers seemed quite oblivious to this short shelf life feature and the designs to some badges are nothing more than dazzling. It would appear that many purchasers and wearers of the Tagungsabzeichen thought similarly so as demonstrated by their availability still now and that the badge was not regarded as a cheap throw away item.
It would seem that many of the badges were cherished as an important keep sake.
When it comes down to design, in my opinion there are many striking, artistically breathtaking and simply quite beautiful badges. Beauty is of course in the eye of the beholder and it interesting that I think that the badge which started this thread is ugly, amateur in design and bordering on kitsch.
Sorry Ron.
I think that it is a horrible design, although I do of course have one in my collection and whenever I look at it, it reminds myself of a bikers tattoo.
The badge is important though, insofar as it marks a significant event for this particular SA Brigade. So important it would seem, that they saw fit to reissue the badge as a dedication/thankyou item, in a cased and non wearable form.
Yep david , i still Wonder why such pretty biker tatoo can be a product of hate and violence and would be more soutable for the trashcan whit hot fingers....... well i guess that one of the engines that drive a serius collector
i must compliment you on this very rare honnor pice, its simply outstanding!!!!! the condition on both the case and plaque is absolut top and imm not in doubt that this pice fitts well into your breathtaking Collection of SA abz wich is in top condition
i did start a thread some time ago arround design kontra reissue the badges design/form later in history bec i do collect tinnies over a varaiaty of catagories and i do see what i call " jumps " in meny diff catagories and i do see often these jumps go both across the catagoryes and also whitin the same catagory wich i also find intresting to follow, well a intresting eye on the lack of nazi fantasy.
you scould by accident not have a extra biker tatoo for sale?
Thankyou for the positive comments chaps and which is greatly appreciated. I must admit though that I am quite pleased and in a horribly smug sort of way, to own this non wearable SA Brigade specific "award" I made a decision a long time back NOT to collect SA cased awards, however when I saw this piece for sale, crikey, the decision went out of the window !
I do know what you mean, David...that's why I consider myself a 'generalist' and not a 'specialist!' Sometimes the piece just speaks to English!! Cheers, my friend,