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Identification ? RM coin ?

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    Identification ? RM coin ?

    Ok another new Item I just got in today...need some help,,want to put up on Estand, but need to make sure what it is and is it good.sure looks good in hand, looks like zinc
    Attached Files

    Hi Greg:

    Interesting that you brought this up as I have a similar piece but with "Ausweis" on it. I recently did a search and it seems these are fantasy pieces.


    Here is mine for the heck of it.

    Attached Files


      Yes, interesting pieces! We need background from our colleagues who have studied the OT and its work building fortifications on the Channel Islands. It could be that these pieces had some relevance to the internal workings of the OT, something like factory tokens representing cash or other commodities within that huge organization's structure -- just guessing here...!

      Br. James


        These are not fantasy pieces, but trather a series of tokens used in Island business, especially in the farm industry.


          Originally posted by Ron Weinand View Post
          These are not fantasy pieces, but trather a series of tokens used in Island business, especially in the farm industry.
          Hi Ron - it would be nice to know they are real. Did you read the thread I added? At that time there seemed to be the thought that they were fantasy items. I know our knowledge constantly grows but I think that was the most recent thread I found about them.



            All I can tell you is mine came from a veteran in a motel buy and my local coin dealer bought some from a local veteran years ago, so, imo, they are real. Now, have they been reproduced: I doubt it as they are not very valuable or in demand. Ron


              The Ausweis pc is shown for sale @4.oo in the old WW2 Ltd Products of St. Louis Catalog on page 181; perhaps they ran across a bunch priced very inexpensively, as they were not a very high demand item back then; they did have a few original KVK2's in packets as well, which was back then, about as popular as tinnies were.


                Hey very interesting info,,so,,now do I sell as original or repo is the question,,or maybe just refer guys to this thread



                  I posted 2 of these and had 8, and was told they were a fantasy item and I tossed them. Ron where were you when I needed you. Just joking. But it does make me feel kind of sickly. Jack


                    Fantasy tokens

                    For Ron and anyone else who may believe these tokens are original. I am a collector of 40 + years from Jersey in the Channel Islands. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the tokens pictured and the others in the "set" (there were 12 different ones made) are all fantasy items...not even copies of original items. No such tokens were ever made or used here during the German Occupation of our Islands. The truth is that they were made in the good old USA in the late 60/70's as I believe a college project or similar. Perhaps this is why most of the tokens that appear these days are found in the USA, and perhaps Ron's veteran picked it up along the way selling it easily as a war veteran.
                    No locals have ever had, seen, or used these tokens during the Occupation. In fact I have never in the 40 years of collecting ever gone to a house call and been offered these tokens. I do remember a magazine that was printed in the UK called Exchange and Mart selling theses tokens in sets of 12 for a few pounds in the 70's.
                    Rest assured that they are fantasy and not from the Occupation of Jersey, Channel Islands. They may be of coarse from the Occupation of New Jersey, USA., But not from over here. I hope this answers the question for once and for all.
                    Damien Horn.


                      The ones from my coin dealer came in during 1957, so how did the reproductions originate in 1960s or 1970s???


                        Hi Ron,
                        If you take your time and go through the internet the proof is there for you to read regarding these tokens. At the moment there a 2 different lots of these on ebay for sale... one seller does not commit to them being real and the other... who appears to be a coin dealer declares them for what they are...fantasy items.
                        What ever your argument for these tokens being original you are unfortunately wrong and as someone who lives on the Island from where these tokens supposedely come from you might at least take note of what has been said and perhaps come to the conclusion what you have is not what you think it is. As a collector I would be more than happy is such items were in fact original and existed at the time but they didn't and most that come up for sale are to be found in the USA.... somewhat strange that they are supposed to be from an Island of 9 x 5 miles between England and France and no one on the Island who lived through the German Occupation of the Island has ever seen these tokens during that time. If yours came in 1957 as opposed to the 1960's then your coin dealer friend may have had some involvement in the making of them. If you would care to email me directly at damienhorn@jerseymail.co.uk then I can forward you the various bits and pieces that have been written on these tokens over the years. If you can offer one piece of evidence that these items are original I would be more than happy to see or read it, but I won't hold my breath.


                          If any of you guys are also members of the Axi History Forum you might like to log on and the do a search for "Jersey Tokens".... have a read and then see what you think. I have no axe to grind over these tokens, but my mission is to help those who pride themselves of having a collection of original items side step the trap of these fantasy tokens.
                          Hopefully it will be of help.


                            This thread seems to have gone quiet. If you look on ebay at the moment there are a few tokens up for auction, one seller has even listed his as a fantasy item including a copy of the original advert an other info from when they first appeared.
                            Hopefully this will make those who may fall into the trap of buying these fantasy items as originals a little wiser.


                              Well, Ron has sent me a message saying he believes his token to be original whatever the evidence is against these "fantasy tokens" He says he got his in 1957 and not the 1960/70's as I stated so his is likely to be an original made in Germany that never got here to the Channel Islands.
                              Unfortunately Ron appears to be in somewhat of a fantasy land along with his fantasy token. Wrong is wrong and there's no way around that. I hate these tokens as many people especially in the USA, buy them believing them to be original items, and as they supposedely come from here I try to let people know the truth and facts about them. I have the pages from a Channel Islands coins and tokens journal dedicated to the "outing" of these tokens as fantasy pieces. If anyone would like me to email them to them then please feel free to email me at damienhorn@jerseymail.co.uk
                              Ron it would appear will never be a convert to the truth but I do hope to help others from falling into the the same trap as he is.


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