The other day on a documentary about Himmler I caught a glimpse of a young SS-mann (enlisted guy) in black parade dress with an M-17 helmet sort, of standing guard behind Himmler. On the lower part of his right pocket there was a rather large badge -- about the size of a German Cross, I'd guess -- that was made of light-colored metal (black & white footage), and was -- get this -- STAR-SHAPED. You know, five points, like a starfish or (gasp!) a communist star! The picture flew by before I could get a close look, but based on the uniforms and the WW1 helmet I'd date the footage from the early thrities, certainly several years pre-war. I'm certainly no expert, but I have to say I've never seen any Nazi tinnies, GAU badges or sports awards shaped like a five-pointed star. I am very curious if anyone else has ever seen a star-shaped Nazi badge of this description and can tell me what it may have been.