From an reliable general of WWⅡ,I got his golden badge just the same as yours, but what puzzled me is I tried to find a “B” and the numbers on it but in vain, I just find “RZM M1/120” and “M1/120”under one side of the pin and it’s quite difficult to recognize, I also would like to know the opinion of others.
Because I'm intended to buy a Goldenes HJ-Eherenzichen and because they are heavely faked, I kept some records in the last weeks from maker marks etc... I only can find RZM M1/120 with a serial number and RZM M1/120 with a "B". The RZM logo's and serial numbers or the "B" are always at the same place on the back, so the manufacturer characteristics are very distinctiv. But Detlev stands for quality so don't panic to fast. Personnaly I looking some time for a badge that has the standard, exepted characteristics. Everone seems to have his one opinion (myself included) on these HJ-Badges because theirs so less info about them