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SA collectors: Request for photo scans

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    SA collectors: Request for photo scans

    Working on the new and vastly improved first volume, as well as subsequent volumes, of "Leaders of the Storm Troops" (now to be published by Fonthill Media). I have most of the photos I need, but I *want* more, as my hope is for this to be the best possible biographical study of SA, NSKK, and NSFK leaders ever done.

    Of particular interest to me at this time are photos of every kind concerning the following men (and to include formal portraits, informal portraits, candid shots, group photos, photos in military or paramilitary uniform as well as civilian attire-- Hell, even baby photos of these guys would be great to have; also, items of militaria- documents, engraved beer steins, their SA-Ehrendolches, Golden Party Badges [obverse and reverse, preferably]... really, any image related to them).

    Full credit given in the book for each contribution, as well as your name included on the "Acknowledgments" page.

    Images in 600 dpi or better preferred, but sometimes lesser quality are acceptable, if it's a particularly unique image or item.

    With many thanks, as always, in advance,
    ~ Mike


    Oberster SA-Führer & Stabschef der SA

    Adolf Hitler (only including one photo and his title as OSAF, so don't really need any pictures of him)
    Emil (“Moritzl”) Maurice
    Johann (“Hans”) Ulrich Klintzsch
    Hermann Wilhelm Göring
    Walter Hans Buch
    Alfred Max Ludwig Hoffmann
    Wilhelm Pleickart Ludwig Adolf Arthur Freiherr Marschall von Bieberstein
    Franz Felix Freiherr von Pfeffer (earlier known as Pfeffer von Salomon)
    Dr. phil. h. c. Otto William (Wilhelm) Heinrich Wagener
    Ernst Julius Günther Röhm
    Viktor Heinrich Lutze
    Max Paul Wilhelm Werner Jüttner
    Wilhelm Hans Schepmann

    Part II:
    SA-Obergruppenführer (B-H)

    Adolf Heinz Beckerle
    Dr. phil. Hans Heinrich Bennecke
    Joseph Berchtold
    Franz Bock
    Arthur Böckenhauer
    Johann Heinrich Adolf Böhmcker
    Fritz Bracht
    Dr. med. Hermann Max-Gustav Brauneck
    Friedrich Wilhelm Brückner
    Josef Bürckel

    Friedrich Leopold Damian

    Gustav August Eigruber
    Franz Xaver Ritter von Epp

    Werner von Fichte
    Heinrich-Georg Wilhelm Werner Graf Fink von Finckenstein
    Friedrich (Fritz) Karl Florian
    Dr. jur. Hans Michael Frank
    Johann (“Hans”) Baptist Fuchs
    Herbert Robert Gerhard Heinrich Fust

    Paul Giesler
    Hermann Wilhelm Göring (see biography in Part I)
    Günther Gräntz
    Kurt Wilhelm Günther

    Heinrich (“Heinz”) Josef Haake
    Friedrich (“Fritz”) Haselmayr
    Edmund Heines
    Wilhelm Helfer
    Wolf -Heinrich Julius Otto Bernhard Fritz Hermann Ferdinand Graf von Helldorf
    Otto Friedrich Herzog
    Ludwig Arthur Hess
    Philipp Prinz und Landgraf von Hessen
    Prof. Dr. med. Paul Friedrich Karl Hocheisen
    Franz Ritter von Hörauf
    Hans Georg (“Trotsky”) Hofmann
    Adolf Andreas Hühnlein


    SA-Obergruppenführer (J – W)

    Dietrich Wilhelm Bernhard von Jagow
    Wilhelm Jahn
    Karl Rudolf Jordan
    Max Paul Wilhelm Werner Jüttner

    Siegfried Karl Viktor Johannes Heinz Kasche
    Johannes (Hanns) Kerrl
    Dr. med. Emil Ketterer
    Karl Theodor Hermann Manfred Freiherr von Killinger
    Dr.-Ing. h. c. Wilhelm Otto Max Kleinmann
    Heinrich (“Heinz”) August Knickmann
    Adolf Hajo Oltmann Kob
    Richard Erich Koch
    Walter Friedrich Julius Köhler
    Friedrich (Fritz) Lorenz Ritter von Krauβer
    Hermann Karl Theodor Kriebel
    Friedrich Wilhelm Krüger
    Kurt Kühme

    Kurt Arno Lasch
    Hartmann Lauterbacher
    Dr. phil. Robert Ley
    Wilhelm (“Willy”) Liebel
    Karl-Siegmund Hermann Litzmann
    Hinrich Lohse
    Hanns Elard Ludin
    Max Otto Luyken

    Arno Manthey
    Georg Friedrich Mappes
    Wilhelm “Willy” E. K. Marschler
    Dr. med. dent. Otto Marxer
    Franz May
    Prof. Christian Julius Mergenthaler
    Dr. rer. pol. Gustav Alfred Julius Meyer
    Joachim (“Jochen”) Waldemar Meyer-Quade
    Martin Mutschmann

    Walther Nibbe

    Georg Oberdieck
    Hanns Oberlindober
    Hanns Günther von Obernitz

    Hans Petersen
    Friedrich (“Fritz”) Ludwig Ferdinand Felix Pfeffer von Salomon
    Dr. rer. pol. August Wilhelm (“Auwi”) Heinrich Günther Viktor von Hohenzollern Prinz von Preußen
    Alfred Josef Proksch


    SA-Obergruppenführer (J – W)

    Dr. phil. Horst Raecke
    Arthur Rakobrandt
    Fritz Reinhardt
    Hermann Reschny
    Robert Emil Rigel
    Carl Georg Röver
    Dr. phil. Karl Josef Bernhard Rust

    Ernst Friedrich Christoph (Fritz) Sauckel
    Baldur Benedikt von Schirach
    Dr. jur. Jonathan Schmid
    August Schneidhuber
    Heinrich August Schoene
    Wilhelm Ferdinand Clemens Freiherr von Schorlemer
    Otto Karl Wilhelm Schramme
    Franz Xaver Schwarz
    Franz Schwede [Known as Schwede-Coburg, 08.07.1934-00.00.1937]
    Franz Seldte
    Ludwig Georg Siebert
    Heinrich (“Heinz”) Hugo Ewald Späing
    Jakob Sprenger
    Friedrich Franz Adolf Louis Ferdinand von Stephani
    Julius Streicher

    Josef Antonius Heinrich Terboven
    Prof. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Todt
    Hans von Tschammer und Osten

    Ludwig Adolf Gustav Uhland
    Dr. jur. Siegfried Josef Uiberreither
    Curt Albert Paul Harris von Ulrich

    Adolf Wagner
    Dr. med. Gerhard Wagner
    Dr. h. c. Josef Wagner
    Wilhelm Weiβ

    Hi Mike,

    Great to know that there is much new reference material coming forth from you in the near future...but are you re-publishing Volume 1 of "Leaders of the Storm Troops?" Since I already have your Volume 1, published by Helion & Co. in 2015, it seems unusual that you intend to publish a NEW Volume 1!?! Can you say more?

    Always anticipating good things from you, my friend,

    Br. James


      Here's a sample from Volume I:

      Franz Ferdinand Felix von Pfeffer
      [Known as Pfeffer von Salomon until 03.07.1941]
      Oberster SA-Führer (Reichs-SA-Führer)

      Born: 19.02.1888 in Düsseldorf.
      Died: 12.04.1968 in München/Bayern. Gravesite: München, Waldfriedhof Solln (Plot 15/Row 3/Grave 71/72).

      NSDAP-Nr.: 16 101 (Joined, 00.03.1925; Expelled from the Party, 14.11.1941)

      01.10.1910 Einjährig-Freiwilliger
      16.02.1911 Fahnenjunker
      00.00.1911 Unteroffizier
      23.05.1911 Fähnrich
      18.08.1911 Leutnant (mit Patent vom 20.08.1909)
      18.08.1915 Oberleutnant
      20.09.1918 Hauptmann i. G.
      00.08.1926-01.11.1926 “mit der Führung der SA beauftragt”
      01.11.1926-29.08.1930 Oberster SA-Führer (Reichs-SA-Führer)
      01.04.1930-12.08.1930 NSAK-Korpsführer

      ca. 1894-ca. 1899 Attended Volksschule.
      ca. 1899-ca. 1906 Attended Gymnasium (graduated and passed his Abitur).
      ca. 1906-ca. 1907 Studied law at the University of Heidelberg.
      ca. 1906-00.00.1907 (?) Employed as a Referendar (junior barrister or law clerk) in Dühmen.
      00.00.1907-00.00.1909 Attended a Militärschule.
      01.10.1910-00.11.1918 Entered service as an Einjährig-Freiwilliger, assigned to Infanterie-Regiment “Herwarth von Bittenfeld” (1. Westfälische) Nr. 13 (Münster). As of 1912, he was assigned to the Regiment’s 6. Kompanie.
      00.11.1918-00.03.1920 Führer of the Westfälische Freikorps von Pfeffer (on the Baltic and in Lithuania, Poland, and Oberschlesien). He also participated in the “Kapp-Putsch” of March 1920.
      00.03.1920-00.00.192_ Worked as a Zivilangestellter (civilian employee) with the Wehrkreiskommando in Münster.
      00.00.1920-00.00.1921 Arrested and detained for his involvement in the “Kapp-Putsch”. Released on the grounds of an amnesty and the decision of a Sondergericht (special court) that he be acquitted.
      00.00.1922-00.00.1924 Member of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Treuebund.
      00.00.1923-00.00.1923 Member of an anti-French sabotage troop in the Ruhrgebiet.
      00.00.1924-00.00.1925 Member of the Völkisch-Sozialer Block (VSB).
      00.05.1924-27.03.1925 Vorsitzender of the VSB Landesverband in Westfalen.
      00.03.1925 Joined the NSDAP.
      27.03.1925-07.03.1926 Gauleiter of Gau Westfalen der NSDAP.
      10.09.1925-00.00.1926 Member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Nord- und Nordwestdeutschen Gaue der NSDAP (Working Organization of the North and West German Districts of the Nazi Party).
      Christmas 1925 Submitted an internal Party memorandum entitled “Zucht. Eine Forderung zum Programm” (Breeding: A demand in relation to the Party Program):

      First of all I share with Strasser and all revolutionaries the view that property in Germany is wrongly distributed: property, power, culture are in the wrong hands, misery and ruin are suffered by the wrong people, and this situation is growing and consolidating itself to such an extent that only the most drastic, ruthless intervention can force German life and Volkstum back into the right paths. Immediately after this common assumption, however, the thinking diverges.
      There are those who take as their starting-point the equality of human beings, or rather the equality of Germans. This premise leads naturally to the logical conclusion that there can be no reason why among equals a different distribution of property, state power, culture should prevail. If someone who is equal is forced to live in circumstances significantly lower than the mean, then this is naturally “unjust”, or a “scandal” with respect to other equals. If someone who is equal is treated markedly better than the average then this is likewise “unjust”, for it can only happen “at the expense” of the share the other equals enjoy of property, power, and culture…
      In the last analysis I accuse Strasser's program of being rooted in this basic mentality (and I fear I must accuse him of coming out with far too many arguments which in our camp are called ?socialist”). It is the Jewish-liberal-democratic-Marxist-humanitarian mentality. As long as there is even a single minute tendril which connects our program with this root then it is doomed to be poisoned and hence 'to wither away to a miserable death… All Germans are unequal. That is the starting-point… The first logical conclusion to be drawn from inequality is the inequality of value. Some Germans are more valuable than others (“value” is a relative concept, which I use here naturally to refer to value measured in terms of the German, Nordic world-view, and within this measured in terms of what serves the interests of collective German well-being).
      A logical consequence of this inequality must be the principle of unequal treatment, that is, unequal share of state power, property, culture. All these must be distributed to people on the basis of how valuable they are…
      A further logical consequence of inequality in what people are worth, and the continuous changes brought about by the development of the Volk, is the duty of the state to take charge of this development, which means influencing it in every way possible. Excellence must be increased and enhanced further. Inferiority must be reduced. In plain terms this is a question of breeding. Improving the stock of the race. Breeding human beings… From the above considerations I can draw up the following programmatic demands of our future state, the 'Third Reich':
      To determine the degree of higher or lower value of all inhabitants of Germany. The value will be assessed as the function of four criteria:
      (1) actual performance in their professions
      (2) physical attributes, according to health and racial characteristics
      (3) spiritual, moral and cultural traits
      (4) hereditary traits evaluated by considering parents and grandparents…
      No pity is to be shown to those who occupy the lower categories of the inferior groups: cripples, epileptics, the blind, the insane, deaf and dumb, children born in sanatoria for alcoholics or in care, orphans (= children born out of wedlock), criminals, whores, the sexually disturbed, etc. [Krüppel, Epileptikern, Blinden, Irren, Taubstummen, Trinkerheilanstalten- (sic), Fürsorgezöglingen, Waisen, Verbrechern, Dirnen, Sexualgestörten u.s.w.] Everything done for them not only means taking resources away from more deserving causes, but counteracts the breeding selection process. Nor should we mourn the dumb, the weak, the spineless, the apathetic, those with hereditary diseases, the pathological, because they go under “innocently”…
      This bottom category means destruction and death. Weighed and found wanting. Trees which do not bear fruit should be cut down and thrown into the fire. (NSDAP Hauptarchiv, Hoover Institution Microfilm Collection), reel 44, folder 896, i-ii.)

      07.03.1926-20.06.1926 Gauleiter of Groβgau Ruhr der NSDAP, together with Dr. Joseph Goebbels and Karl Kaufmann.
      07.03.1926-20.06.1926 Gau-SA-Führer Ruhr.
      00.08.1926-01.11.1926 “mit der Führung der SA beauftragt” (Charged with leadership of the SA).
      01.11.1926-29.08.1930 Oberster SA-Führer (Reichs-SA-Führer). Submitted his resignation, 12.08.1930 (see entry for that date below), and succeeded at the end of the month by Hitler. Prof. Bruce Campbell describes Pfeffer von Salomon's leadership of the SA as follows:

      By all accounts he was a genuine leader, a strong-willed personality of great energy and ability, but of equally great arrogance and independence, who did not lack enemies within the NSDAP because of his ambition and lack of tact. Clearly he was a man who believed he was right and therefore did not like to compromise. Yet it was only through just such a combination of will, ability, and leadership that he was able to transform the SA into a national organization. And despite a certain inflexibility and brutal directness of character, von Pfeffer had learned to adapt to changing conditions and political contexts.... he could see beyond the world of guns and uniforms. It is this political side of von Pfeffer which enabled him to create a new form for the SA, different from that of the Wehrverbände and better adapted to current conditions. Critical of the “dilettantism” of the Beer Hall Putsch, he was able to draw the lesson from it that if the “national revolution” were to succeed, what was needed was not a better organized putsch, which was the solution proposed by many who continued to think in exclusively military terms, but rather entirely new tactics. As Gauleiter of the Ruhr he gained the experience necessary to adapt the paramilitary form of the Wehrverband to the substance of a political movement. In this he was aided by Viktor Lutze. (Campbell, The SA Generals and the Rise of Nazism, p. 50)

      03.11.1926 Issued an order on the “SA and the Public (Propaganda)”, which included the following:

      The only form in which the SA appears to the public is that of the closed formation. This is at the same time one of the most powerful forms of propaganda. The sight of a large number of inwardly and outwardly calm, disciplined men, whose total will to fight may be unequivocally seen or sensed, makes the most profound impression on every German and speaks to his heart a more convincing and inspiring language than writing and speech and logic can ever do. Calm composure and matter-of-factness underline the impression of strength- the strength of the marching columns and the strength of the cause for which they are marching. The inner strength of the cause leads the German emotionally to deduce its rightness: “For only the right, the honest, the good can release true strength.” Where whole hosts purposefully (not in the welling up of sudden mass suggestion) stake life and limb and existence for a cause, the cause must be great and true!
      ... The SA man is the sacred freedom fighter. The Pg [Parteigenosse- Party Comrade] is the instructor and skilled agitator. Political propaganda seeks to enlighten the adversary, to dispute with him, to understand his viewpoint, to go into his ideas, up to a certain point to agree with him- but when the SA appear on the scene, this stops. They are out for all or nothing. They know only the motto (metaphorically): Strike dead! You or me. (Joachim C. Fest, “Ernst Röhm and the Lost Generation”, in The Face of the Third Reich, pp. 142-143)

      05.12.1926-29.08.1930 Direkter Vorgesetzter der HJ. His appointment to this post resulted from his successful demand that the Hitler-Jugend be directly subordinated to the SA.
      27.10.1927-11.06.1930 Vorsitzender des Jugendausschuβ (Chairman of the Youth Committee; redesignated Jugendamt, 00.00.1928) in the Reichsleitung der NSDAP.
      19.08.1927-21.08.1927 Organisationsleiter (Director of Organization) for the “3. Reichsparteitag der NSDAP” in Nürnberg.
      01.03.1928 Created seven new SA-Oberführer commands, placing them under the leadership of retired military officers, as follows:

      SA-Oberführer Ost (Berlin) Hauptmann a. D. Walter Stennes
      SA-Oberführer Nord (Hannover) Major a. D. Karl Dincklage
      SA-Oberführer West (Kassel) Oberstleutnant a. D. Curt von Ulrich
      SA-Oberführer Mitte (Dresden) Kapitänleutnant a. D. Manfred Freiherr von Killinger
      SA-Oberführer Süd (München) Major a. D. August Schneidhuber
      SA-Oberführer Ruhr (Elberfeld) Oberleutnant a. D. Viktor Lutze
      SA-Oberführer Ostmark (Wien) Hauptmann a. D. Hermann Reschny

      01.08.1929-04.08.1929 Participated in the “4. Reichsparteitag der NSDAP” in Nürnberg.
      02.09.1929 Attended the wedding of Martin Bormann and Gerda Buch.
      Autumn 1928 In letters to an SA subordinate in Köln, wrote:

      13.10.1928: We are of the opinion that the SA, as the nucleus of the future German army, must be so trained and organized that even today, slowly but surely, a State is formed within the non-State, so that when the National Socialist Greater Germany is created the internal structure will already exist, determined and strong, invincible in every respect.
      28.11.1928: The SA is the militant force of the movement-it is the personification of the will to power of a political organization.... As our SA is the expression of a party machine's politically organized will to power which wishes-not with words, but with actions- to accomplish the national and social liberation of the German people, the concept of comradeship in its ranks takes on an entirely different meaning from that in the so-called military and veteran organizations.... The comradeship in the SA formations must, therefore, become such a solid structure that all police bans or other underhand methods will recoil from its granite wall. (Robert M. W. Kempner, “Blueprint of the Nazi Underground- Past and Future Subversive Activities”, in Research Studies of the State College of Washington, Volume XIII, Number 2, June 1945)

      28.12.1929 In a letter to an SA leader in Köln, wrote:

      Before you stands but one individual: der Führer. And you obey him. Faith in him is faith in the German people. He commands and you obey. You ask not why nor wherefore. You know the goal. (ibid)

      01.04.1930-12.08.1930 Korpsführer of the Nationalsozialistische Automobilkorps (NSAK, the forerunner of the later NSKK). First holder of this post.
      00.00.1930-00.10.1934 Leiter of the Abteilung für den kulturellen Frieden of the NSDAP.
      12.08.1930 Submitted his resignation from the post of Oberster SA-Führer, and succeeded at the end of the month by Hitler himself (who retained Dr. Otto Wagener as Chief of Staff). According to Dietrich Orlow, his decision to step down was the culmination of a long history of dissatisfaction with the Führer’s leadership. It had become clear to him that Hitler’s desire was to place further limitations on the autonomy of the SA. Whereas Pfeffer hoped to gain more Reichstag seats for his own subordinates in the SA, “Hitler”, writes Dietrich Orlow, “either refused to allow SA leaders to become members of the Reichstag, or else turned down Pfeffer's demand that he, Pfeffer, should control the votes of the SA deputies [In a letter- marked in handwriting “not sent”- to Pfeffer dated 13.09.1930, Walter Buch stated the latter was true]. In either case, Pfeffer finally withdrew his request and even lamely attempted to explain why the failure to have SA members in the Reichstag was best for the organization.” (Orlow, History of the Nazi Party: 1919-1933, p. 211) In a letter to SA leaders dated 29.08.1930, von Pfeffer wrote that the SA was justified in demanding “other visible and materially noticeable” confirmation that the SA was to benefit from the electoral successes of the NSDAP. Orlow continues:

      [Pfeffer] did not specify what proof he had in mind, but it appears that in addition to wanting more money, he demanded more freedom to disintegrate the Reichswehr and to train the SA as the core of the new German mass army. Since Hitler was particularly unwilling to embark on a campaign of subversion against the Reichswehr, Pfeffer had no choice but to resign his position. (ibid, pp. 211-212)

      06.11.1932-01.02.1933 Member of the Reichstag.
      06.12.1932-01.02.1933 Stellvertretendes Mitglied (alternate member) of the 2. Ausschuβ (Auswärtige Angelegenheiten) der Reichstag (2nd Committee [Foreign Affairs] of the Reichstag).
      05.03.1933-14.10.1933 Member of the Reichstag.
      12.11.1933-27.11.1941 Member of the Reichstag (Wahlkreis 16, Südhannover-Braunschweig).
      13.03.1934-00.00.193_ Beauftragter und Verhandlungsführer in der Kirchenfrage der NSDAP (Representative and Negotiation Leader for Church Questions of the NSDAP).
      [00.00.1936] Honorary member of the Volksgerichtshof.
      00.09.1939-00.03.1940 Interned in a concentration camp for seven months (according to his own account, which he gave on 20.02.1953).
      00.00.1941 Briefly arrested in connection with the unauthorized flight of Rudolf Hess to Scotland.
      03.07.1941 In accordance with an order by the Reichsminister des Innern, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, removed “von Salomon” from his name and subsequently known only as “von Pfeffer”. For many years previous, he had already gone by “von Pfeffer” due to the “Jewish” sound of “Salomon”.
      14.11.1941 Expelled from the NSDAP.
      27.11.1941 Expelled from his seat in the Reichstag.
      00.00.1942-21.07.1944 Lived on his estate in Pommern.
      21.07.1944 Arrested in connection with the 20. July 1944 assassination attempt on Hitler and, according to his own account, imprisoned for four months.
      00.01.1945 Fled from Pommern to Bayern.
      00.00.1945-00.00.1945 Kommandeur of a Volkssturm Division.

      Postwar Confinement
      00.00.1945-00.00.1946 Interned in Heilbronn, then lived in Wiesbaden until 00.00.1960 when he moved to München.

      Decorations & Awards
      09.11.1918 Ritterkreuz des Kgl. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
      10.10.1915 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse
      00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse
      21.02.1916 Ritterkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern des Kgl. Sächsischen Albrechts-Ordens
      ca. 1919 Balten Kreuz I. Klasse
      ca. 1919 Balten Kreuz II. Klasse
      ca. 1921 Schlesischer Adler 1. Stufe
      ca. 1921 Schlesischer Adler 2. Stufe
      ca. 1918 Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
      ca. 1934 Ehrenkreuz des Weltkrieges 1914-1918 mit Schwertern
      ca. 1933 Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der NSDAP
      ca. 1929 Nürnberger Parteitagsabzeichen 1929
      00.00.194_ Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Silber
      00.00.194_ Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Bronze
      00.00.1934 Ehrendolch der SA (mit Wirkung vom 03.02.1934)
      00.02.1934 Ehrenwinkel für alte Kämpfer

      * Parents:
      - Father: Kgl. Preussischen Geheimen Regierungsrat Max Karl Friedrich Ferdinand Pfeffer von Salomon (born 25.04.1854 in Friedeberg/Neumarkt, died 11.08.1918 in Münster as a Hauptmann der Landwehr. He was the son of the Prussian Oberst of cavalry Ferdinand Pfeffer von Salomon [1822-1901; ennobled in 1862] and his wife Ida Henriette, née Hoffmann-Scholtz [1834-1899]).
      - Mother: Anna, née von Clavé-Bouhaben (born 26.07.1862 in Simmern, died 28.01.1919 in Münster), daughter of the Prussian Appelationsgerichtsrat [appeals court counselor] Franz von Clavé-Bouhaben, an estate owner in Königswinter, and his wife Marie, née Coninx. She married Franz’s father on 23.04.1887.
      - Younger brother: SA-Obergruppenführer and Regierungspräsident of Wiesbaden, Friedrich (“Fritz”) Ludwig Ferdinand Felix Pfeffer von Salomon (born 19.05.1892 in Berlin-Charlottenburg, died 29.10.1961 in Straelen/Niederrhein), NSDAP-Nr. 77 889 (Joined 01.03.1929).
      * Among his cousins were the famous Freikorps leader and writer (and co-assassin, on 24.06.1922, of German foreign minister Walther Rathenau) Ernst von Salomon (born 25.09.1902 in Kiel, died 09.08.1972 in Stoekte bei Winsen) and his brother Bruno von Salomon, a leading figure in the KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands).
      * Married in Bakenhof bei Krefeld on 14.01.1922 to Marie Sophie Clara Freiin Raitz von Frentz (born 01.04.1895 in Altena/Westfalen, died 18.05.1984 in Altena/Westfalen). She was the daughter of Adolf Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (1843-1907], a Prussian Premier-Lieutenant, and his wife Sophie Freiin von Lüninck (1850-1934]. Former Hamburg Gauleiter Dr. Albert Krebs describes Frau Pfeffer as follows:

      Insofar as Pfeffer criticized the party, he was undoubtedly supported or even encouraged to do so by his wife. Her repugnance for many leading Nazis, especially Hitler himself, derived from her unhindered instincts and her still solid appreciation of real values and rules... (Dr. Krebs, The Infancy of Nazism, p. 282)

      The following children were born to Franz Pfeffer von Salomon and his wife:

      Irmgard (“Ita”) (born 00.05.1923), Dr. rer. nat., a biologist, married to Friedemann Freiherr von Wintzingerode [1913-1964], a farmer in South Africa.
      Kunigunde (born 1927), Dr. rer.nat., also a biologist, married to the geologist Dr. phil. Jobst Hülsemann.
      Ferdinand (born 1929), Dr. jur. and attorney in Lünen.
      Max (born 1932), state attorney in Cape Town, South Africa.

      Campbell, Bruce: The SA Generals and the Rise of Nazism. The University Press of Kentucky, 1998.
      Fest, Joachim C.: The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi Leadership. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd., 1970.
      Fraschka, Mark A.: Franz Pfeffer von Salomon: Hitlers vergessener Oberster SA-Führer. Wallstein-Verlag, 2016.
      Höffkes, Karl: Hitlers politische Generale: Die Gauleiter des Dritten Reiches. Grabert-Verlag-Tübingen, 1986.
      Höhne, Heinz: The Order of the Death's Head. Martin Secker and Warburg, 1969.
      Krebs, Dr. phil. Albert: The Infancy of Nazism: The Memoirs of Ex-Gauleiter Albert Krebs, 1923-1933. New Viewpoints, 1976.
      Lilla, Joachim; Döring, Martin; & Schulz, Andreas: Statisten in Uniform. Die Mitglieder des Reichstags 1933-1945. Droste Verlag, 2004.
      Siemens, Daniel: Stormtroopers: A New History of Hitler’s Brownshirts. Yale University Press, 2017.
      Stockhorst, Erich: 5000 Köpfe: Wer war was im 3. Reich (3rd Edition). Arndt-Verlag, 1998.
      Wagener, Dr. Otto: Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant (edited by Henry Ashby Turner, Jr.; translated by Ruth Hein). Yale University Press, 1985.
      Weiss, Hermann: Neue Deutsche Biographie. Duncker & Humblot, 2001.


        Great--now I have to buy another volume 1--
        That's okay-judging by the above, it will be a worthwhile purchase!
        I have a good amount of material--not a lot of photos, although I do have some, but a decent group of papers to a number of individuals on your list.
        Do you have a specific deadline, other than as soon as possible?
        Festina lente!


          Nothing more precise than "as soon as possible". :o)

          Thanks for your offer of support, Erich.

          Best wishes,
          ~ Mike


            I agree with Erich: I'll have to buy another Volume 1. (That will hopefully make the original Volume 1 a rare collector's item; hope it's value will at least offset the cost of the new Volume 1!) Will we receive an announcement when this edition is on sale?

            Br. James


              Here is a complete listing of all the SA leaders who will be included in the 5-volume "Leaders of the Storm Troops" series.

              Many thanks in advance to anyone able to contribute photos to this project.

              ~ Mike

              Leaders of the Storm Troops, Volume 2

              Part I:
              Oberster SA-Führer & Stabschef der SA

              Adolf Hitler
              Emil Jules Wilhelm (“Moritzl”) Maurice
              Julius Johann (“Hans”) Ulrich Klintzsch
              Hermann Wilhelm Göring
              Walter Hans Buch
              Alfred Max Ludwig Hoffmann
              Wilhelm Pleickart Ludwig Adolf Arthur Freiherr Marschall von Bieberstein
              Franz Felix Freiherr von Pfeffer (earlier known as Pfeffer von Salomon)
              Dr. phil. h. c. Otto William (Wilhelm) Heinrich Wagener
              Ernst Julius Günther Röhm
              Viktor Heinrich Lutze
              Max Paul Wilhelm Werner Jüttner
              Wilhelm Hans Schepmann

              Part II:
              SA-Obergruppenführer (B-H)

              Adolf Heinrich (“Adolf Heinz”) Beckerle
              Dr. phil. Hans Heinrich Bennecke
              Joseph Berchtold
              Franz Bock
              Arthur Böckenhauer
              Johann Heinrich Adolf Böhmcker
              Fritz Bracht
              Dr. med. Hermann Max-Gustav Brauneck
              Friedrich Wilhelm Brückner
              Josef Bürckel

              Friedrich Leopold Damian

              Gustav August Eigruber
              Franz Xaver Ritter von Epp

              Werner von Fichte
              Heinrich-Georg Wilhelm Werner Graf Fink von Finckenstein
              Friedrich (Fritz) Karl Florian
              Dr. jur. Hans Michael Frank
              Johann (“Hans”) Baptist Fuchs
              Herbert Robert Gerhard Heinrich Fust

              Paul Giesler
              Hermann Wilhelm Göring (see biography in Part I)
              Günther Gräntz
              Kurt Wilhelm Günther

              Heinrich (“Heinz”) Josef Haake
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Haselmayr
              Edmund Heines
              Wilhelm Helfer
              Wolf -Heinrich Julius Otto Bernhard Fritz Hermann Ferdinand Graf von Helldorff
              Otto Friedrich Herzog
              Ludwig Arthur Hess
              Philipp Prinz und Landgraf von Hessen (-Rumpenheim)
              Prof. Dr. med. Paul Friedrich Karl Hocheisen
              Franz Ritter von Hörauf
              Hans Georg (“Trotsky”) Hofmann
              Adolf Andreas Hühnlein

              Leaders of the Storm Troops, Volume 2

              SA-Obergruppenführer (J – P)

              Dietrich Wilhelm Bernhard von Jagow
              Wilhelm Jahn
              Karl Rudolf Jordan
              Max Paul Wilhelm Werner Jüttner

              Siegfried Karl Viktor Johannes Heinz Kasche
              Johannes (Hanns) Kerrl
              Dr. med. Emil Ketterer
              Karl Theodor Hermann Manfred Freiherr von Killinger
              Dr.-Ing. h. c. Wilhelm Otto Max Kleinmann
              Heinrich (“Heinz”) August Knickmann
              Adolf Hajo Oltmann Kob
              Richard Erich Koch
              Walter Friedrich Julius Köhler
              Friedrich (Fritz) Lorenz Ritter von Krauβer
              Hermann Karl Theodor Kriebel
              Friedrich Wilhelm Krüger
              Kurt Kühme

              Kurt Arno Lasch
              Hartmann Lauterbacher
              Dr. phil. Robert Ley
              Wilhelm (“Willy”) Liebel
              Karl-Siegmund Hermann Litzmann
              Hinrich Lohse
              Hanns Elard Ludin
              Max Otto Luyken

              Arno Manthey
              Georg Friedrich Mappes
              Wilhelm “Willy” E. K. Marschler
              Dr. med. dent. Otto Marxer
              Franz May
              Prof. Christian Julius Mergenthaler
              Dr. rer. pol. Gustav Alfred Julius Meyer
              Joachim (“Jochen”) Waldemar Meyer-Quade
              Martin Mutschmann

              Walther Nibbe

              Georg Oberdieck
              Hanns Oberlindober
              Hanns Günther von Obernitz

              Hans Petersen
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Ludwig Ferdinand Felix Pfeffer von Salomon
              Dr. rer. pol. August Wilhelm (“Auwi”) Heinrich Günther Viktor von Hohenzollern Prinz von Preußen
              Alfred Josef Proksch

              Leaders of the Storm Troops, Volume 3

              SA-Obergruppenführer (R - W)

              Dr. phil. Horst Raecke
              Arthur Rakobrandt
              Fritz Reinhardt
              Hermann Reschny
              Robert Emil Rigel
              Carl Georg Röver
              Dr. phil. Karl Josef Bernhard Rust

              Ernst Friedrich Christoph (Fritz) Sauckel
              Baldur Benedikt von Schirach
              Dr. jur. Jonathan Schmid
              August Schneidhuber
              Heinrich August Schoene
              Wilhelm Ferdinand Clemens Freiherr von Schorlemer
              Otto Karl Wilhelm Schramme
              Franz Xaver Schwarz
              Franz Schwede [Known as Schwede-Coburg, 08.07.1934-00.00.1937]
              Franz Seldte
              Ludwig Georg Siebert
              Heinrich (“Heinz”) Hugo Ewald Späing
              Jakob Sprenger
              Friedrich Franz Adolf Louis Ferdinand von Stephani
              Julius Streicher

              Josef Antonius Heinrich Terboven
              Prof. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Todt
              Hans von Tschammer und Osten

              Ludwig Adolf Gustav Uhland
              Dr. jur. Siegfried Josef Uiberreither
              Curt Albert Paul Harris von Ulrich

              Adolf Wagner
              Dr. med. Gerhard Wagner
              Dr. h. c. Josef Wagner
              Wilhelm Weiβ

              Leaders of the Storm Troops, Volume 4

              SA-Gruppenführer (A – Z)

              Johannes Wilhelm von Allwörden
              Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Achim Konstantin Rudolf Ferdinand von Arnim
              Richard Arthur Alfons Aster
              Felix Aumüller

              Franz Bernhard August Bauer
              Dr. med. Ernst August Emil Beese
              Gustav Behrens
              Ernst Friedrich Beiβner
              Hermann Friedrich Richard Berchtold
              Wilhelm (Willy) Eugen Hermann Bloedorn
              Prof. Dr. med. Friedrich Ludwig Kurt Blome
              Prof. Dr. med. Hermann Alois Boehm
              Reinhard Börner
              Erich Hans Jürgen Boetel
              Helmuth Brückner
              Dr. med. Erich Rudolf Heinrich Wilhelm Bruns
              Walter Buch (See biography in Volume I)
              Hanns Bunge
              Dr. med. August Burger
              Dr. jur. Curt Ludwig Ehrenreich von Burgsdorff

              Dr. rer. pol. Hans Carl Caspary

              Dr. med. Axel Johannes Daiber
              Wilhelm Dame
              Georg Hugo Dechant
              Georg von Detten
              Edmund Philipp Diehl
              Karl Dincklage
              Hans Dippel
              Wilhelm Jakob Dittler
              Karl-Friedrich Dörnemann

              Friedrich Karl Freiherr von Eberstein
              Alfred Ernst
              Karl Ernst
              Eginhard Ernst Maria Eschborn

              Paul Faβbach
              Friedrich Josef Fenz
              Fichte, Ernst Ludwig
              Dr. jur. Ludwig Fischer
              Hans Friedrich

              Dr. med. Heinrich Albert Wilhelm Gaudin
              Waldemar Friedrich Gustav Geyer
              Dr. med. Giese, Johannes
              Girgensohn, Thomas Otto Harald
              Prof. Dr. phil. h. c. Edmund Glaise von Horstenau
              Erich Bruno Artur Görlitzer
              Otto August Karl Gohdes
              Leonhard Gontermann
              Otto Karl Gümbel

              Karl Erwin Haas
              Hasse, Albert Erich Max
              Hacker, Elias Gustav Heinrich
              Dr. med. Halem, Harry von
              Dr. med. dent. Haltern, Friedrich “Fritz”
              Dr. med. Gustav Emil Walther Haug
              Dr. med. Ernst Max Hugo Hauke
              Hans Hayn
              Karl Hermann Rudolf Albert Heinz
              Heitmüller, Walther Willy August
              Dr. phil. Hans von Helms
              Konstantin Hierl
              Paul Georg Otto Hinkler
              Walter Friedrich Hoevel
              Hofmann, Bernhard
              Paul Holthoff
              Karl Holz

              Dr. phil. Otto Wilhelm Georg Ivers

              Oscar Martin Jaster
              Prof. Dr. med. Hermann Jensen

              Rudolf Friedrich Emil Johannes Kamps
              Dr. med. Konrad Eduard Ludwig Kappelmeyer
              Dipl.-Ing. Franz Karmasin
              Max Köglmaier
              Karl Körner
              Gerret Korsemann
              Karl Kraft

              Dr. med. Friedrich (Fritz) Lauerbach
              Hans Lehmann
              Friedrich Wilhelm Max Lehmann
              Hans Lehmann
              Joseph Leopold
              Maximilian (Max) Linsmayer
              Dr. phil. Julius Lippert
              Bruno Leopold Loerzer
              Prof. Dr. med. Johannes (Hanns) Heinrich Löhr
              Paul Hermann Karl Lohbeck
              Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Lucke
              Prof. Dr. jur. Walter Luetgebrune
              Johannes “Hans” Ivo Hermann Lukesch

              Dr.-Ing. Meinhard Johannes Marnitz
              Rudolf Michaelis
              Dr. med. Wilhelm Mörchen
              Karl-August Möslinger
              Franz Karl Theodor Moraller
              Johann (“Hans”) Otto August Nicolaus Elhard von Morozowicz-Wuhden

              Dr.-Ing. Hermann Neubacher
              Georg Heinrich von Neufville

              Dr. med. dent. Lorenz Karl Ohrt

              Dr. med. Eberhard Pagels
              Kurt Karl Friedrich Plesch

              Erich Hermann Julius Reimann
              Dr. med. Karl Rettschlag
              Hartwig-Georg Claus August Freiherr von Rheden
              Alfred Richter
              Dipl.Landwirt Hans-Joachim Ernst Riecke
              Dr. med. Bruno Rothardt (Known as Bruno Czerwinski until 02.06.1936)

              Dr. jur. h. c. Carl Eduard (Charles Edward) Leopold Georg Albert Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
              Julius Franz Hermann Schäfer
              Christian Heinrich Martin Schaper
              Franz Schattenfroh
              Rudolf Jakob Schmeer
              Wilhelm Eduard Schmid
              Walter Oskar Arthur Schmidt
              Dr. med. Albert Gottfried Christian Schmierer
              Ludwig Julius Albert Schmuck
              Dr. med. Albert Schneider
              Dr. med. Max Emil Kurt Schönberg
              Robert August Wilhelm Schormann
              Konrad Schragmüller
              Ferdinand Friedrich Heinrich Schramm
              Karl Wilhelm Heinrich Schreyer
              Prof. Dr. med. Walther (“Bubi") Schultze
              Paul Gustav Schulz
              Fritz Schwitzgebel
              Joseph (“Beppo”) Seydel
              Heinrich Simon
              Max Solbrig
              Peter Heinrich Stangier
              Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Stanik
              Wilhelm Ferdinand Stegmann
              Emil Steinhoff
              Walther Maria Stennes
              Gregor Strasser
              Dr. rer. pol. Karl Emil Julius Strölin

              Dr. jur. Otto Georg Thierack
              Oskar Türk

              Fritz Johann Albert Ernst Vielstich
              Hans Josef Vogel

              Werner Wächter
              Richard Wagenbauer
              Dr. phil. h. c. Otto William (Wilhelm) Heinrich Wagener
              Dr. med. Otto Max Walter
              Hans Weinreich
              Eugen Konstantin Ludwig Maria Werkowitsch

              Dr. phil. Gustav Zunkel

              Leaders of the Storm Troops, Volume 5

              SA-Brigadeführer (A – Z)

              Josef Ackermann
              Fritz Adam
              Ernst Alms
              Hans-Bodo Graf von Alvensleben-Neugattersleben
              Wilhelm Aschka
              Fritz Aurand

              Johann (“Hans”) Erich Bachmann
              Heinrich Otto Bätz
              Victor Band
              Kurt Alois Gustav Felix von Barisani
              Dr. med. Friedrich ("Fritz") Georg Christian Bartels
              Robert Bauer
              Dr. med. Hans Karl Edmund Baumgartner
              Erich Beck
              Heinz Behnert
              Erich Behrendt
              Hans Heinrich Theodor Belzner
              Leopold ("Leo") Bendak
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Wilhelm August Bening
              Kurt Berger
              Friedrich-Wilhelm Bethke
              Bernhard Beyer
              Georg Biederer
              Ernst August Johann Ludwig Bischoff
              Bernhard Konrad Heinrich Blum
              Karl Christoph Friedrich Erich Böhme
              Conrad Ernst Albert Boese
              Wilhelm Boltz
              Ernst Emil Borchmann
              Arno Heinrich Alexander Breitmeyer (aka Breitmeier)
              Johannes Brückner
              Dr. rer. pol. Albrecht Hermann Brugger
              Hermann Brunk
              Richard Büchner
              Dr. med. Eduard Fritz Heinrich Busse

              Franz Xaver Richard von Carlshausen-Zacke
              Lothar Franz Wilhelm Freiherr Buderus von Carlshausen-Zacken
              Oluf Christensen
              Ernst Claussen
              Hans Eberhard Friedrich Walter Cramer
              Theodor (“Theo”) Croneiß

              Raimund Dahlem
              Dr. med. Friedrich Karl Hermann (“Fritz”) Dahms
              Dr.-Ing. e. h. Friedrich (“Fritz”) Ludwig Rudolf Carl Emil von Delius
              Dr. med. Carl Reinhold Demme
              Dr. phil. Wilhelm Dennler
              Friedrich Wilhelm Dettmer
              Max Deventer
              Richard Diehl
              Paul Maria Dorr
              Eugen Reinhold Fritz Dorsch
              Franz Xaver Bernhard Dorsch
              Dr. med. dent. Otto-Heinrich Drechsler
              Hans Duckwitz
              Adolf Düver
              Dr. jur. utr. Karl Leonhard Eduard Friedrich Bernhard Max Graf DuMoulin-Eckart
              Adam Durein
              Gotthold Dziewas
              Georg Dzwiza

              Dr. med. Hermann Karl Paul Ebeling
              Dr. med. Adolf Otto Ehleben
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Eichinger
              Dr. med. Karl Gottfried Theodor Ende
              Alfons Erle
              Eduard Wilhelm Heinrich Erich Ernst
              Franz Escher
              Günther Hermann Heinrich Esders
              Friedrich Esscher
              Arthur Friedrich Etterich

              Josef Feichtmayr
              Hermann Ludwig Martin Fiebing
              Richard Fiedler
              Dr. med. Kurt Maria Oskar August Fiekel
              Peter Wilhelm Fink
              Hugo Fischer
              Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Fischer
              Emil Karl Frank
              Gustav Otto Ernst Frenzel
              Hans Heinrich Georg Adolf Freund
              Karl Otto Frowein
              Theodor Fründt
              Fritz Fückert
              Ludwig Friedrich Fürholzer

              Jakob Gansmeier
              Hellmut Albert Ganz
              Dr.-Ing. Albert Leopold Eduard Ganzenmüller
              Friedrich Geiβelbrecht
              Georg Heinrich Gellert
              Dr. med. Ernst Heinrich Gengnagel
              Hermann Genth
              Heinrich Gerlach
              Ferdinand Hugo Gessert
              Prof. Hermann Giesler
              Arnold Emil Wilhelm Glasow
              Johann (“Hans”) Glück
              Julius Görlitz
              Dr.-Ing. Friedrich ”Fritz” Görnnert
              Wilhelm Greß
              Wilhelm von Grolman
              Karl Gutenberger

              Philipp Wilhelm (“Willy”) Ludwig Haas
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Habenicht
              Johann Georg Haberkern
              Konrad Wilhelm Häfner
              Willy Härtel
              Alexander Heinrich Alfred Hagemann
              Otto Erich Hagenmeyer
              Heinrich Johann Hager
              Otto Max von Haldenzwang
              Franz Hanke
              Erich Haucke
              Daniel Hauer
              Arthur Johannes (“Hans”) Hauswald
              Carl Ernst Robert Heck
              Harald Georg Alexander Karl von Hedemann
              Wilhelm Johannes Max Heerde
              Albrecht Heinrich
              Alfred (“Fred”) Heinrich Helwig
              Willy Henke
              Richard Herrmann
              Walter Ferdinand Wilhelm Georg Hertzer
              Hans Adalbert Herwig
              Dr. med. Eugen Heßler
              Erich Paul Luis Hermann Heuer
              Hans Adam Peter von Heydebreck
              Bruno Hilber
              Johann (“Hans”) Baptist Hilmeyer
              Eduard Himpel
              Dr. med. Karl Adam Hock
              Hans Ludwig Höflmayr
              Dr. med. Theodor (“Theo”) Fritz Sigismund Hoeft
              Erich Johannes Hoevel
              Arthur Vinzenz Karl Hofmann
              Arno Erich Hofmann
              Hans-Heinrich Oliver Hofrichter
              Heinrich Franz Joseph Hohm
              Dr. med. Franz August Martin Rudolf Holtgrave
              Walter August Eduard Otto Holzmüller
              Ernst Rudolf Horn
              Friedrich Karl Horn
              Dr. med. Gerhard Horn
              Eugen Hübbe
              Dr. jur. Franz Hueber
              Alexander Wilhelm Ernst Bernhard Freiherr von Humboldt-Dachroeden
              Heinrich Josef (“Heinz”) Huwerth

              Karl Jacobsen
              August Friedrich Christian Jäger
              Franz-Werner August Konrad Jaenke
              Dr. med. Karl Jahr
              Georg Karl Joel
              Karl Christian Heinrich Jostmeier
              Philipp Wilhelm Jung

              Kurt Ernst Albert Kaergel
              Kurt Kapp
              Alfons Walter Karbinsky
              Eberhard Wilhelm Gustav Fritz Hans Heinz Kasche
              Hans Hermann Otto Rudolf Karl von Keiser
              Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Keller
              Hans-Georg Eberhard Kergel
              Ludwig Kerth
              Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Kicker
              Dr. rer. pol. Karl Erich Kiel
              Dr. med. Friedrich August (“Fritz”) Kieser
              Walter Kirchhof
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Hermann Amandus Joachim Klähn
              Dr. med. Karl Klause
              Dr. med .Hans Werner Klein
              Otto Ferdinand Wilhelm (“Willi”) Klemm
              Karl Leopold Kleres
              Herbert Paul Karl Waldemar Knabe
              Robert Kobbe
              Hans-Karl Koch
              Peter Kock
              Johann Friedrich Köhler
              Dr. jur. Fritz Köllner
              Franz Reinhold Kömpf
              Gerd Harry Arthur von Koerber
              Vinzenz Julius Kohl
              Eduard Hermann Josef-Maria Kolb
              Werner Kolb
              Johannes (“Hans”) Korth
              Heinrich Korth
              Otto Franz Ernst Kossatz
              Thomas Johann Wilhelm Kozich
              Alois Kraft
              Erwin Kraus
              Alfred Krauß
              Richard Oswald Kretzschmar
              Dr. med. Wilhelm Viktor Curt Krohm
              Werner Kropp
              Karl Kroß
              Peter Kruse
              Erwin Friedrich Kübler
              Friedrich Wilhelm Johannes Kühnreich
              Wilhelm (“Willi”) Künemund
              Erwin Johannes Kuhn
              Friedrich Adolf Kuls
              Siegmund Peter Paul Hermann Kunisch

              Dr. jur. Helmuth Lambert
              Heinz Lampe
              Johannes Lampe
              Ludwig Leist
              Josef Arnold Lentzen
              Otto Karl Liebel
              Walther Freiherr von Lindenfels
              Dr. jur. Josef Anton Lingg
              Carl Richard Friedrich Lintz
              Dr. med. Wilhelm Emil Traugott Lochmann
              Hans Löwe
              Otto Ernst Hermann Lohmann
              Karl Lorch
              Max-Albert Lorenz
              Georg Philipp Luber
              Heinrich Hermann Arthur Lüdemann
              Martin Franz Julius Luther
              Anton "Toni" Lutz

              Waldemar Magunia
              Peter Maierhoffer
              Josef Malzer
              Richard Manderbach
              Ernst Otto Philipp Mathy
              Wilhelm Maul
              Rudolf May
              Franz Xaver Mayr
              Dr. jur. Ludwig Karl-Theodor Mayr (-Falkenberg)
              Hermann Megow
              Herbert Richard Edgar Merker
              Konrad Hans Hermann Mesmer
              Wilhelm Metz
              Oscar Alexander Milberg
              Albert Balthasar Miller
              Friedrich Wilhelm Möhring
              Otto Heinrich von Molitor
              Karl Heinrich Moock
              Arnold Herbert Waldemar Mühle
              Dr. med. Clemens Wilhelm Franklin Herbert Müller
              Oskar Walter Müller

              Hermann Neef
              Adolf Neugschwandtner
              Heinz Nitzsche
              Erwin Nötzelmann
              Gustav Nohel
              Paul Nüßler

              Wilhelm Heinrich Ocklenburg
              Helmuth Hans Rudolf Siegfried Oldenbourg
              Hans Olpp
              Karl Josef Overhues
              Richard Otto Karl Owe

              Robert Palm
              Hermann Paltinat
              Fritz Paschold
              Kurt Peltz
              Heinz Otto Kurt Pernet
              Alfred Persché
              Horst Bernhard Kurt von Petersdorff
              Eugen Plorin
              Richard Pohl
              Hans Polikeit
              Ernst Porath
              Arnold Portius
              Walter Prüfke
              Carl-Friedrich Graf Pückler
              Helmuth Hans Alfred Quitzrau

              Eduard Alfred Raabe
              Paul Arthur Rabe
              Kurt von Rabenau
              Max Raedler
              Friedrich Leonhard Heinrich Konrad Rahner
              Hans Friedrich Alexander Ramshorn
              Franz Josef Rappell
              Georg Rau
              Arthur Hans Reimann
              Karl Reschmann
              Georg Fritz Richter
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Karl Rilling
              Wilhelm (“Willi”) Friedrich Adolf Ritterbusch
              Rudolf Conrad Röhrig
              Dr. med. Hans-Dietrich Wilhelm Theodor Röhrs
              Werner Römpagel
              Erich Rudzki
              Heinrich Adolf Ruhe
              Dr. rer. pol. Paul August Ruoff
              Dr. jur. utr. Julius Eduard Ruttkowsky

              Robert Heinrich Friedrich Sabirowsky
              Wilhelm Sander
              Hellmuth Konrad Karl Sassenberg
              Carl Christian Wilhelm Sauke
              Richard Theodor Schaller
              Ottomar Georg Schaper
              Hans Heinrich Bernhard Schaudinn
              Richard Paul Schicke
              Carl Ludwig Eduard Ernst Schleich
              Erhard Erich Franz Remus Ferdinand von Schmidt
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Schmidt (known as “Schmidt-Kassel”)
              Fritz Schmidt (known as “Schmidt-Münster”)
              Gustav Emil Schmidt
              Heinrich Schmidt
              Wilhelm Friedrich Schneemann
              Georg Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Schneider
              Dr. rer. pol. Albert Schönborn
              Adolf Schönhoff
              Hermann Otto Ritter von Schöpf
              Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Scholz
              Dr. med. Otto Schottenheim
              Wilhelm Schroeder
              Wilhelm (“Willi”) Eduard Schütz
              Johannes Paul Siegfried Schütze
              Peter Schug
              Wolf Werner Graf von der Schulenburg
              Karl Franz Schulz
              Arthur Reinhold Schulze
              Georg Schwäble
              Werner Hans Schwarz
              Eduard Schwarzmeier
              Karl Georg Maximilian Schweinle
              Heribert Ernst Friedrich Seidler
              Hellmut Seifert
              Fritz Sell
              Wilhelm Josef Hubert Sengen
              Julius Cäsar Siebe
              Karl Wilhelm Siebel
              Karl-Heinrich Sieber
              Fritz Siegel
              Wilhelm (“Willy”) Siegele
              Wilhelm Sieh
              Heinrich Wilhelm Soest
              Dr. jur. Gustav Adolf Freherr Steengracht von Moyland
              Richard Steinbügel
              Otto Karl Gustav Steltzer
              Hermann Cornelius Stoeß
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Ludwig Stollberg
              Friedrich (“Fritz”) Strauß
              Dr. med. Dr. vet. Arnulf Streck
              Christoph Striebel
              Gottfried Stubenrauch
              Dr. med. Hermann Adalbert Stühlinger

              Dietrich Gerhard Emil Theodor Tappen
              Otto Teschner
              Dr. med. Johann Konrad Martin Christian Thaler
              Heinrich Theobald
              Hubert Thewalt
              Heinrich Walter Thiel
              Max Thomas
              Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Karl Johannes Thums
              Adolf Tillner
              Friedrich Alwin Walter Troschke
              Werner Ernst Albert Trzebiatkowsky
              Theodor Tüllmann

              Gustav August Überhorst
              Dr. med. Franz Josef Frank Unger
              Heinrich Unger
              Walter Paul Unterstab

              Wilhelm (“Willi”) Veller
              Henning von Vieregge
              Dr. jur. Friedrich Georg Eduard Vogeler
              Peter Vogt
              Friedrich August Ludwig Voigt
              August Vollheim
              Carsten Volquardsen

              Emil Ludwig Wäckerle
              Heinrich Ernst Helmut Wähmann
              Johann Valentin Wagner
              Hermann Ewald Robert Walch
              Erich Henry (Heinrich) Waldvogel
              Dr. med. Alexander Wallnöfer
              Walter Walsberg
              Georg von Walthausen
              Eberhard Freiherr von Wechmar
              Dr. med. Ernst Wegner
              Wilhelm Weiskopf
              Joachim Weist
              Hans Hinrich Wilhelm Wendell
              Heinrich Karl Adam Werner
              August Wilhelm Wetter
              Albert Wiczonke
              Max-Joachim Wienandt
              Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Wilke
              Otto Wilkens
              Dr. med. Georg Winter
              Julius Oskar Martin Wisch
              Heinrich-Willi Wolf
              Dr. phil. Johannes-Gotthard "Hanns" Wolter
              Philipp Wurzbacher
              Lucian (Lutz) Damianus Wysocki

              Walter Zähle
              Lorenz Zahneisen
              Hermann Karl Wilhelm Zapf
              Eugen Zech
              Wilhelm ("Willy") Ziegler
              Johann ("Hans") Zöberlein
              Dr. med. Heinrich (“Heinz”) Zoedler
              Last edited by Michael Miller; 03-07-2018, 04:40 PM.


                Last edited by Michael Miller; 03-07-2018, 04:39 PM. Reason: double post


                  Last edited by Michael Miller; 03-07-2018, 04:39 PM. Reason: double post


                    Last edited by Michael Miller; 03-07-2018, 04:40 PM. Reason: double post


                      Sorry photos to contribute...but I do wish you all the best in this latest effort on behalf of all in our hobby! Looking forward to adding each of your new volumes to my library.

                      Warmest best wishes,

                      Br. James


                        I've got a number of photos and documents to scan!
                        Festina lente!


                          I'm looking forward to those, Erich.
                          Thank you.


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