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Feldjäger high level officer kepi.

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    Exactly Erich ! This is what I believed since the beginning !
    There is no way, this cap is fake, not from where it came from and when. ( not the mention the price I paid)

    OK the "star" do "maybe" not belong to it as the regulations mention ... But why could it not have been used like this at the time ?

    There are so much "irregularities in these days ...

    I have a SS oversea cap form a flemish volunteer . From My OWN FAMILY !!!
    It has a WH eagle on it !!!! Well, I put it for fun on the forum 15 years ago and guess what ... They all yelled .... FAKE !!!!

    10 years ago, I posted a Generals "crusher" on the e-stand . it had embroidered insignias. Not bevo ... I got the cap in 78, with a bunch of junk from a second hand shop in the Ardennes ( Bulge) . paid pinnuts for it.
    All agreed the cap was 1000% good but there "should have been " bevo insignias on it ...
    I finally took the insignias off and sold it immediately " naked"

    A few days later a member posted never seen or published private pictures from Von manteufel ... Guess what !!!! He had MY cap on !!!!!!

    To come back to the cofee cap ... If not Feld jeager ... Wh used a white band like this ??? What is it "originally" ..;




      Considering the ULTRA-RARE possibility of finding a cotton FJK kepi, IMO, it's just as feasible to be a 1932-era Gausturm color. Quite a few SA Gausturms wore white collar tabs in the 1931 regulations. Colored kepi tops came out in 1932, and the next new SA regulations didn't come out until 1933, eliminating "White" as a Gruppe color except for the FJK which began in Oct. 1933.
      So if they were still wearing white collar tabs until 1933, a white-topped kepi is within regulations, especially one with such early interior construction as this one.
      My early kepi interior is very similar. it's almost like home-made oilcloth.
      The Hilfpolizei in Berlin DID wear this badge in silver, but their collar tabs were black.
      There were 8 Feldjager-Abteilung, but they all wore gold badges.
      IMO, the badge is probably not original to the kepi.



        If my theory is correct, all you need is a nice early eagle, and either a silver or gold button.
        1. Brandenburg - Silver buttons
        2. Danzig - Silver buttons
        3. Hamburg - Gold buttons
        4. Ostmark - Silver buttons
        5. Ostpreussen - Silver buttons
        Since 4 out of 5 Gausturms wore silver buttons, it's more likely to be one of those.
        PS: I may have a silver button and perhaps even an actual kepi button with a spreader, if you want to PM me.


          Season Two !
          The return ... !!!!

          Hi guy's :-) !'m back ....


          I'm still not over the way I was treated as a moron and "amateur" so I like to point a few things out ....

          I quote: " approximatively" the reply that was posted when requesting some help...
          ""You just had to look page xxx in my book to find your answer ""

          Well ..... I did for other pieces of headgear !!!!

          And here is page 419 of W. Saris "Bible and holly regulations" of the "Headgear of hitlers Germany" Volume 4;

          The cap pictured and described is not just a NSKK Marine cap . It "IS" "THE" cap in question ! Not another one . The one I posted and that was shot down in flames.

          So ... I'm a buckle collector, I dear to say , one of the leading experts on the subject.
          But, I don't know much about cloth anymore ... So, I look at "the bible of regulations" ... To "GOD"
          Like buckles collectors look at the book I participated at for references on buckles.

          And what do I see, "GOD" is "WRONG" !!! "GOD" has a FAKE cap in his bible !!

          Or maybe Stonemint and a few other longtime collectors and experts on headgear are wrong ??? (I don't think so) ...

          And my caps that is now taken into pieces and worth sh...t anymore ?? Original after all ???

          This is valid for the FJ coffee-can as well as it is "MY" cap that was pictured in books on the subject.

          If "experts" on the subject uses "fake" items to illustrate their work ... Where are we going ???

          But I'm the stupid one .... ???

          Glad my partner and friend in collection and myself are taking the decision to sell all this sh..t !!!
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              Originally posted by Marc verstraete View Post
              But I'm the stupid one .... ???
              For sure....


                Oke, oke, I promIsed not to reply anymore but sorry, can't help it reading another collector is selling his items being sick and tired of the collecting community. How well do I recognize that.
                Now, as for the kepi. When I collected SA I always let common sence prevaiL over regulations etc.etc. Let's do the same now.
                Let´s presume the FJK is not original to the cap as many state here. Well, if that´s the case two things could have happened ;

                Scenario 1.
                In the days noone had ever heard about the rare FJK and coffee-cans costed as much as coffee cups one croocked dealer had a white topped (Gau level???) kepi without insignia. Now, he did see SA-kepis before but...instead of putting a simple button on it he happened to have an FJK-insignia. Wow, he thought. Don't know what it is but let's put it on the kepi !!
                Conclusion : This story is total bull****

                Scenario 2.
                In the ealry party-days there was this NSDAP member who happend to belong to an SA Gruppe of other PO that had white topped kepis.
                Now, some years later he joined the rare and very small FJK and, what luck !! They had white topped kepi's too. Wow, he thought, now I only have to change the button for an FJK Insignia. How lucky can one be.
                Conclusion : This story is also total bull****

                Scenario 3.
                Kepi and insignia are original and original to the cap.
                Now, that makes sence but, unfortunatly there's no RZM-regulation and in pictures it's hard to tell what the kepi material was but didn't the experts mentioned here the FJK didn't wear brownshirts........

                Seems Mr. Saris has left the building........think he's burning his archives so noone can benefit from his work after he died (as he told me once)



                  I'm not sure about the cap, but the NSKK eagle on the cap pictured in the book, and NSKK eagle on the Marine-SA cap in question are not the same eagle.
                  Examine the spacing of the feathers on the bottom, and the "S" in NSKK.
                  I'm not positive it's the same cap, but I KNOW the eagle is different.


                    Originally posted by sgstandard View Post
                    I'm not sure about the cap, but the NSKK eagle on the cap pictured in the book, and NSKK eagle on the Marine-SA cap in question are not the same eagle.
                    Examine the spacing of the feathers on the bottom, and the "S" in NSKK.
                    I'm not positive it's the same cap, but I KNOW the eagle is different.
                    This subject do not matters in this thread but believe me, this IS "the" cap. If I take the time, I will probably find the original picture used in the book as it is my friend Gillain who took it as stated on the picture.
                    I see your point on the eagle but look at the details of the "damages "on the chinstrap. A piece of black missing and a very recognisable crack just in front of the buckle.
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                      Since I have been openly confirmed "Stupid" ... I have a little story of "intel" to tel and we will see how many more op us have been taken for "Stupid" ... ... ...

                      Yes sgstandard, you are absolutely correct, the eagle in the book is NOT the one on the cap when I posted it ... I proved that it was the same cap, but, I could not understand why the eagle could possibly be different ...

                      So, I had a long discussion with the photographer of these caps in the book ...
                      I did not deed torture , just a little persuasion and memory refreshens...

                      Here is the story on the NSKK caps in this wonderful book ...

                      After the Watergate, Wikileaks, the Panama papers ; Here are the Hollandleaks

                      There was once a author who wanted to make a book on the NSKK ... But he did not have the first object to illustrate this book ... Lots of paperwork and regulations, tons of period pictures but no actual real objects ... He was therefor dependent on willing good fated collectors to illustrate this work with "real" caps , tunics and insignias.
                      But some of this stuff is so rare that even the biggest, oldest , most reputable of the collections do not have the "real" material to picture ... So, this is Nazi stuff after all ... lets make some "propaganda" and "manipulation" ! These collectors are all so "stupid " after all . The early NSKK caps where the same as the SA caps ... Right ?
                      Yes, BUT ! These early NSKK caps ( coffee cans) are soooo rare, no-one has them in a collection ... O well, I, Belgium there is a guy who has a lot of these very old SA cans ... And so one day all these genuine nice original SA cans and marine caps where striped of their SA eagles, and guess what ... ! Replaced for the pictures with a nice mint condition NSKK eagle . Every SA cap had his eagle carefully removed and replace with the same NSKK eagle for the picture. These collectors are so stupid, no-one will notice... No, indeed; except, there was one mistake. The eagle on the marina cap did not need to be replace but was, for what reason ???? Better picture ? Later, once the counterfeit pictures "in the box" the original eagles where put back in place ... No one will ever notice ... Until I was called "stupid" and did not like it. Yes, guys all the early NSKK caps in this book are in fact SA caps . TWO eagles where used to fit all these caps !

                      Signed in full possession of my mind, not hiding behind a fake name or pseudo nor avatar,
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                        All these cans are actual real SA cans with a NSKK eagle for the picture.
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                          a few more ...
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                            and here the mystery of the marine visor.
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                              Yes, Wim did the exact same thing the Motor-SA did after they merge together with the NSKK in a undepenable NS-Organisation after the Röhm-Putsch. Simply changing their capeagles. You think you proove something, but you're prooving zero, nothing.
                              I think there's nothing against it to do so in case of a lack of caps. Is doesn't harm the facts .
                              Better it would be if you found a scoop or error in Wim's research. But that's not your strongest part (read my last post)

                              Wim wrote fantastic books for the collecting community.

                              I think you owe Wim a big apology. So be man finally....

                              Last edited by Erich B.; 08-04-2016, 09:24 PM. Reason: slur



                                You can show a thousand photos of kepis, and it doesn't change the fact that the eagle is different. There are plenty of closeups.....look for yourself. Look at the bottom row of feathers. they have completely different spacing, with some wide, and some more narrow. The "S" in "NSKK" is different, as is the placement of the "dots" between the letters.
                                And what happened to the "blackened' area behind the swastika, on one of them?
                                If blowups of the differences were shown in court, you would lose.
                                I never said it was a different cap.....that, I don't know.


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