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The Norwegian "Nazi" Party -- Nasjonal Samling

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    The Norwegian "Nazi" Party -- Nasjonal Samling

    I thought it was time for a thread on the Norwegian "nazi" party.

    Nasjonal Samling was the Norwegian answer to the NSDAP, and was established May 13th, 1933. It's leader at that point was Vidkun Quisling, General Secretary was Rolf Jørgen Fuglesang at that time.

    Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling He was the leader of Nasjonal Samling during it's existence, and no one else. He was born July 18th 1887 in Fyresdal in Telemark. Quisling was a Norwegian Diplomat, officer, and active politically. His father was well known writer in church history Jon Lauritz Quisling (1844-1930). He was very interested in the paranormal and supernatural. His wife and Quisling's mother was Anna Caroline Bang. There is a lot more history regarding his father, but that's not really important.

    Quisling finished a War School in 1911, and was later promoted to Major in the Norwegian Army. Quisling was later connected to the Norwegian legation in Moscow, and worked with Humanitarian Work there with Fritjof Nansen in the 1920s. He was later placed to safeguard British interest's after Great Britain had broken off Diplomatic Relations with the Soviet's. In 1929 He received The Order of the British Empire together with minister Andreas Urbye. This decoration was "withdrawn" May 22 1944.

    He was Secretary of Defense during the Kolstad and Hundseid Government (Bondepartiregjeringen) (1931-1933)

    After that he started Nasjonal Samling (May 13th 1933), this was mainly a smaller party for officers. With anti democratic views and as close to fascism as to Nationalsocialism. It's non official nest leader was Johan Bernhard Hjort up to 1937.

    By the election in 1933, he collected 2% of the the voters. And he got support from the Bondepartiet from his time as Secretary of Defense, and he shared lot's of their interest, such as they both worked against expropriations of farms. Nasjonal Samling was also supported by the church, but this slowed down in 1935 as they followed the antisemitic line. And they lost lot's of members, by war outbreak in Norway (April 9th 1940) the party had around 2000 members. Which soon was to raise, during the whole war around 55.000 people was members of Nasjonal Samling (not at the same time). Still this makes it to one of Norway's biggest Party's in the whole history.

    A Short while after the german invasion, he tried on a coup. He was the first ever in History who announced a coup on the radio. It did not go that well. He based his coup on that the sitting government (Regjeringen Nygaardsvold) had replayed to the german invasion with attacking the germans, and after a short while to be pushed backwards.

    Quisling had met Hitler 18th December 1939, and then discussed the possibility of German Protection if allied invasion during the Nasjonal Samling as the sitting government. Hitler did indeed want Quisling as Government chief, and this was one of the demands that the german envoy Curt Bräuer made clear in a meeting with King Haakon VII April 10th. Bräuer was appointed as Bevollmächtiger des Reichs and civil commander in Norway by Hitler. He believed that the Norwegian people didn't believe in Quisling, so he decided to "remove" him and placed Administrasjonsrådet (Administration Council) as supreme court to Administrate the occupied territory 15th April. This was direct against Hitlers wishes, so Bräuer was called back to Berlin 16th April. And 24th April he was replaced with Former gauleiter of Essen: Josef Terboven as Reichskommissar für die besetzten Norwegischen Gebiete.

    During that summer, a power fight went on between Terboven, Quisling and the Presidency of the Parliament. Quisling had Hitler's support, Terboven had the power and the presidency's only card was the german's wish to push through a legitim government by negotiating.

    Terboven "won" when he announced 13 new ministers, this happened 25th september 1940 and these were the men.

    Those who are not marked with "NS" where not members of Nasjonal Samling.

    Kst. statsråd, Finansdepartementet: Erling Sandberg, (banksjef i Kreditkassen), Upol. (Bank Chief)

    Kst. statsråd, Handels- og Industridepartementet: Sigurd Johannessen, (dep.råd i vedkommende dep.), Upol. (Industri Affairs)

    Kst. statsråd, Forsyningsdepartementet: Øystein Ravner, (salgssjef i Norsk Hydro), Upol. (Supply Department)

    Kst. statsråd, Innenriksdepartementet: Albert Viljam Hagelin, NS (Interior Ministry)

    Kst. statsråd, Kultur- og folkeopplysningsdepartementet: Gulbrand Lunde, NS (Kultur and "Propaganda)

    Kst. statsråd, Arbeidstjeneste- og idrettsdepartementet: Axel Stang, NS (Sports Ministry)

    Kst. statsråd, Kirke- og undervisningsdepartementet: Ragnar Skancke, NS (Church and teaching)

    Kst. statsråd, Arbeidsdepartementet: Tormod Hustad, NS ("Labor" Ministry)

    Kst. statsråd, Sosialdepartementet: Birger Meidell, NS (Social Affairs)

    Kst. statsråd, Politidepartementet: Jonas Lie, NS (Police)

    Kst. statsråd, Justisdepartementet: Sverre Riisnæs, NS (Justice Ministry)

    Kst. statsråd, Skipsfartsdepartementet: Kjeld Stub Irgens, NS (Maritime Affairs)

    Kst. statsråd, Landbruksdepartementet: Thorstein Fretheim, NS (Agriculture ministry)

    Quisling and Terboven never liked each other, and Terboven went against most ting's that Quisling came up with.

    I once heard in an interview that during Quisling's last meeting with Hitler, in Berlin, Terboven also joined. Teboven was sick and tired of the resistance in Norway, and wanted to put a stopper for it. So he told Hitler he wanted to execute 10.000 Norwegians, Hitler said: That's ok, but Quisling will have to agree. Quisling didn't agree to this, so this execution never took place.

    May 8th 1945: Reichskommissar Josef Terboven went up to the Bunker complex on Skaugum (Where he had lived the whole time as Reichskommissar, not in the bunker but in a house up there) He went down to discover the body of former SS chief in Norway SS Obergruppenführer Und General Der Polizei Wilhelm Rediess (Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer Nord) who had committed suicide. Terboven himself detonated 50 kilograms of Dynamite down there, as suicide. Vidkun Quisling turned himself in at a Police station in Oslo May 9th 1945.

    Skallum Gård in Bærum, was the last barricade of Nasjonal Samling. Where a few top leaders tried to hold off. Among them where Police Minister Jonas Lie, who was ill while he was there and died 11th May 1945. The compound was surrounded by members of the resistance and also, lot's of people from newspapers. Newly appointed chief of the Staatspolizei in Norway Henrik Rogstad was also there, he committed suicide 11th May after Lie had died. Justice Minister Sverre Riisnæs surrendered after this.

    Vidkun Quisling was sentenced to death by firing squad, and executed on Akershus Festing 24th October 1945.

    Vidkun Quisling and Terboven as Reichskommissar.


    Rolf Jørgen Fuglesang (General Secretary of NS) and a wooden plate given to him as a birthday gift in 1943 from my collection. The plate was a gift from Fuglesang to a Norwegian collector in the early 1980s.




      Nice Jon, you know how I like those personality pieces!


        Reichsminister Dr Goebbels on a visit to Oslo, walking next to him is Generaloberst Von Falkenhorst, Josef Terboven is in the background.


          Olaf T Lindvig, decorated by Jonas Lie. Jonas Lie and Reichsführer Himmler, during one of his visit's to Norway.



            Himmler listening to folk music in Norway. Supposedly he was very fond of Norway, and one time walked a long time in deep snow to get up to a Norwegian cabin high up in the mountain.



              Short on decorations. They had the medal called "Tapper og tro" (Brave and faithful)

              Some believe a few where awarded, some believe they never was awarded. They came in first and second class. Two issues of the second class, one of the first.

              First class (Photo belongs to DeMil who is a member here)


              Second class


                Originally posted by ErichS View Post
                Nice Jon, you know how I like those personality pieces!
                Thanks Erich ! Then we are two

                The plate is quite interesting actually, as Fuglesang wasn't really a Hitler supporter.


                  Here's the rarest thing ever. A Knight's cross to the Tapper og Tro. Supposedly awarded only once to Minister Riisnæs, in the very end of the war. Although some examples was made after the war by the pieces left at the jeweler.



                    Originally posted by Jon-Olav Holden View Post
                    Here's the rarest thing ever. A Knight's cross to the Tapper og Tro. Supposedly awarded only once to Minister Riisnæs, in the very end of the war. Although some examples was made after the war by the pieces left at the jeweler.

                    Correction: Not the Knight's cross, but the ravens order ! Thank you for informing me Chris !


                      A good friend was kind enough to send me this scan and allowed me to post it

                      Note the huge Raven on top, with longer wing's than normal. A most interesting piece!

                      Please note that this is a RAVEN and not an eagle.
                      Last edited by Jon-Olav Holden; 05-10-2011, 06:18 AM.


                        An excellent study of Norwegian Nazi politics, Jon-Olav; quite fascinating! Interesting, too, is the fact that Commissioner Terboven was photographed in his Diplomatic Corps uniform wearing only the EKI and not his GPB. Anyone have any idea why?

                        Br. James



                          The citation shown is the extreemly rare document, not made out, to the Ravens Order. Thank you Jon for sharing this great rarity.


                            Thanks for the story about the Nasjonal Samling.Quite interesting !
                            Although it is not entirely NS material I would like to show an issue of ''Germaneren'' .The Norwegian germanic SS newspaper.It is dated 5 .5.1945 and has an article on the death of Hitler !

                            Does anybody know if this is the last issue of Germaneren ?

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