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My upcoming Gauleiter book

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    My upcoming Gauleiter book

    Regarding "Gauleiter: The Regional Leaders of the Nazi Party and Their Deputies, Volume I" (by myself with Andreas Schulz):

    Roger Bender is hard at work turning the manuscript into a book (ms has 375 pages at 8 1/2" by 11", presumably many more when squeezed into the standard Bender book dimensions and once the many photos are factored in. First volume covers the following (the second, which is nearly finished, will detail the names beginning in "J" through "Z", and a third will be devoted to the illegal Austrian GL's of the 1920's and '30's + all stellvertretender (deputy) Gauleiter):

    Josef Joachim A d a m s [formerly Adamczyk]
    Dr. phil. agr. Herbert A l b r e c h t

    Alois B a c h s c h m i d t
    Ernst Wilhelm Hans B o h l e
    Fritz B r a c h t
    Karl B r ü c k
    Helmuth B r ü c k n e r
    Josef B ü r c k e l

    Walter von C o r s w a n t

    Dr. phil. Dr. rer. nat. s. c. Artur D i n t e r

    Joachim Albrecht Leo E g g e l i n g
    Adolf E h r e c k e
    August E i g r u b e r
    Otto E r b e r s d o b l e r
    Walter E r n s t
    Hermann E s s e r

    Friedrich Karl “Fritz” F l o r i a n
    Albert Maria F o r s t e r
    Alfred Eduard F r a u e n f e l d

    Peter G e m e i n d e r
    Karl G e r l a n d
    Paul G i e s l e r
    Odilo Lothar Ludwig (“Globus”) G l o b o c n i k
    Dr. phil. Paul Joseph G o e b b e l s
    Anton G o s s
    Arthur Karl G r e i s e r
    Wilhelm (Willy) G r i m m
    Josef G r o h é

    Heinrich (“Heinz”) Josef H a a k e
    Dr. med. Ludolf H a a s e
    Theodor (“Theo”) August Otto Wilhelm H a b i c h t
    Karl August H a n k e
    Anton H a s e l m a y e r
    Edmund H e i n e s
    Dr. med. dent. Otto H e l l m u t h
    Dr. jur. h.c. Konrad Ernst Eduard H e n l e i n
    Fritz H e s s
    Friedrich (Fritz) Karl Heinrich August H i l d e b r a n d t
    Paul Georg Otto H i n k l e r
    Franz H o f e r
    Adolf Johann Albert H o f f m a n n
    Paul H o f m a n n
    Hans Albert H o h n f e l d t
    Emil H o l t z
    Karl H o l z
    Hans H u e b e n e t t
    H. Wilhelm H ü t t m a n n

    In the meantime, I am hard at work on Volume II of "Leaders of the SS & German Police"; I would have gotten it out years ago, but I'm very obsessive-compulsive about trying to include every single minute detail, and as accurately as possible.

    Thanks to all for your patience and interest.

    ~ Mike Miller
    Redding, CA (until 13.11.2010, then New Port Richey, FL)

    looking forward to seeing these books. Could you please roughly say, when the 1st volume can be published? Thanks a lot.


      Hi, Michal, and thanks. It's all up to Mr. Bender's schedule, but I am hopeful Gauleiter Volume I will be ready for purchase in Spring 2011. Volume II of "SS & Police"- a little later than that as I just can't call it complete yet. I have to include Himmler (110 pages on him at the moment), Hess, Heydrich, and Kaltenbrunner- and those biographies are complex to say the least; have to do a particularly good job with those fellows in particular.

      Best wishes,
      ~ Mike


        Hope to find Friedrich Ringshausen in volume II !


          Well I'd have to be a fool to leave Ringshausen out, wouldn't I?

          Volume II will include the following:

          Karl Rudolf J o r d a n
          Jakob J u n g
          Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf J u n g
          Walter J u n g
          Dr. med. Hugo J u r y

          Wilhelm K a r p e n s t e i n
          Karl Otto Kurt K a u f m a n n
          Josef K l a n t
          Dipl.-Ing.Walter K l a u n i g
          Hubert K l a u s n e r
          Richard Erich K o c h
          Walter Friedrich Julius K ö h l e r
          Dr. phil. Albert K r e b s
          Hans K r e b s
          Richard Paul Wilhelm K u b e
          Franz Karl K u t s c h e r a

          Hartmann L a u t e r b a c h e r
          Karl Adam Peter L e n z
          Josef L e o p o l d
          Dr. phil. Robert L e y
          Ernst Ludwig L e y s e r
          Friedrich Wilhelm Karl L i n d e r
          Wilhelm Friedrich L o e p e r
          Hinrich L o h s e
          Viktor L u t z e

          Walter M a a s s
          Franz M a i e r h o f e r
          Rudolf M e t z n e r
          Dr. rer. pol. Gustav Alfred Julius M e y e r
          Joachim ("Jochen") Waldemar M e y e r - Q u a d e
          Dr. jur.Hermann M u h s
          Eugen M u n d er
          Wilhelm M u r r
          Martin M u t s c h m a n n

          Dr. rer. pol. Werner N a u m a n n
          Dr. rer. pol. Hans Heinrich N i e l a n d

          Franz Felix Freiherr P f e f f e r von S a l o m o n
          Alfred Josef P r o k s c h

          Dr. jur. Friedrich “Friedl” R a i n e r
          Fritz R e i n h a r d t
          Friedrich R i n g s h a u s e n
          Axel R i p k e
          Carl Georg R ö v e r
          Ludwig R u c k d e s c h e l
          Dr. phil. Karl Josef Bernhard R u s t

          Ernst Friedrich Christoph (Fritz) S a u c k e l
          Dr. med. Gustav Adolf S c h e e l
          Hans Heinrich S c h e m m
          Bruno Gustav S c h e r w i t z
          Baldur Benedikt von S c h i r a c h
          Dr. jur. Ernst Paul Hans S c h l a n g e
          Georg Friedrich “Fritz” S c h l e s s m a n n
          Richard Arthur Kurt S c h m a l z
          Erich S c h m i e d i c k e
          Dr. med. Gustav Hermann S c h m i s c h k e
          Josef S c h ö n w ä l d e r
          Prof. Dr. phil. Walter S c h u l tz
          Franz S c h w e d e (Known as Schwede-Coburg, 08.07.1934-00.00.1937)
          Gustav Johannes S i m o n
          Jakob S p r e n g e r
          Gustav Louis Erich S t a e b e
          Wilhelm S t i c h
          Wilhelm ("Willi") S t ö h r
          Gregor S t r a s s e r
          Julius S t r e i c h e r
          Erich Emil Arthur Hermann S t ü r t z

          Otto T e l s c h o w
          Josef Antonius Heinrich T e r b o v e n
          Kurt T h i e l e
          Fritz T i t t m a n n
          Richard T ü r k

          Dr. jur. Siegfried Josef U i b e r r e i t h e r

          Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Karl Theodor V a h l e n
          Heinrich Hermann V e t t e r
          Ludwig V i e r e c k

          Fritz W ä c h t l e r
          Adolf W a g n e r
          Heinrich Robert W a g n e r
          Dr. h. c. Josef W a g n e r
          Karl W a h l
          Friedrich (Fritz) W a m b s g a n s s
          Paul W e g e n e r
          Karl Otto Paul W e i n r i c h
          Albert W i e r h e i m

          Hans Z i m m e r m a n n


            Whats the estimated time of arrival for Gauleiter vol 2?



              I would like for it to follow right on the heels of Vol. I- say, Summer 2011- but unfortunately I can't make any promises. I know I've disappointed a lot of potential buyers out there by taking nearly four years to complete Vol. II of SS & Police; I empathize with them. But what a crazy four years it's been, and now for the excuses- full-time job (just resigned) as a probation officer, divorce, falling in love, now moving to Florida... and the desire to create something unique, something a cut above certain unnamed less-than-quality titles on the subject, something absurdly over-detailed and packed to the gills with never before or seldom published photos. I am grateful for those who've been so patient.

              Best wishes,
              ~ Mike


                I'm certainly looking forward to all of the above!
                Festina lente!


                  Thank you, Erich! That means a lot coming from you.

                  ~ Mike



                    Is there a pre-publication offer on these books? I am almost foaming from the mouth to get my hands on these tomes. The 'golden phesants' have always fascinated me and I know your research will make them a joy to devour.

                    Bob Hritz
                    In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

                    Duct tape can't fix stupid, but it can muffle the sound.


                      Jeez, Bob, you're going to make already semi-megacephalic Kopf explode! I reckon Roger will make a pre-publication offer, but I wouldn't know any details of that at this point. You can always call him at (408) 225-5777...

                      Thanks for your kind words!

                      ~ Mike


                        Count me in too. I'm nuts for the Political stuff!



                          I think you know how much I am anticipating this release !!

                          All the best.



                            I do indeed, Mark. And your name will be on the cover-- "Foreword by Mark Costa"...

                            Thanks again for all your invaluable help with it.

                            ~ Mike



                              WOW !! I am indeed honored to be a part of what I know will become the standard on GL's ! I look forward to being able to help with the future volumes as well. Sharing info is what keeps our hobby (in our case, obsession) alive !!
                              Thanks again.



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