Hi folks,
This weekend im popping over to Berlin, on Saturday i am visiting an old SA man, he has agreed i can interview him about his time in the SA in Berlin, i will be mainly asking him questions on the late 20s early 30s as i have no real interest in the war years as such.
I will be asking him about uniform regulations etc, if anybody has any questions i can put to him let me know, i will post a transcript on the forum but id like people to let me know if they would like me to do this, i dont want to spend time posting it if no one is interested.
His name is Georg, but im afraid no surname due to his desire not to allow the state to interfere in his remaining years, German civil servants need something to do during the week and what better then an old man, Sean
This weekend im popping over to Berlin, on Saturday i am visiting an old SA man, he has agreed i can interview him about his time in the SA in Berlin, i will be mainly asking him questions on the late 20s early 30s as i have no real interest in the war years as such.
I will be asking him about uniform regulations etc, if anybody has any questions i can put to him let me know, i will post a transcript on the forum but id like people to let me know if they would like me to do this, i dont want to spend time posting it if no one is interested.
His name is Georg, but im afraid no surname due to his desire not to allow the state to interfere in his remaining years, German civil servants need something to do during the week and what better then an old man, Sean