My grandfather was an Oberwachtmeister in Berlin in 1936 and I believe he moved up to Revierwachtmeister later on. I was wondering if anyone knew how I could find information on his service and maybe photographs of him. The only reason I'm not privy to this information is that my mother passed away when I was 12 years old and never heard her speak of my grandfather. She never had a lot of contact with people in Germany when she married and moved to the states with my father. I have no documents except my mother's birth certificate which had his title:Oberwachtmeister derSchultzpolizei. I also believe that the Revier was Alexanderplatz. My grandfather's name was Kurt Ziegler.
Just looking to be pushed in the right direction and any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Just looking to be pushed in the right direction and any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!