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Nice group of Heer Wehrpasses

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    Nice group of Heer Wehrpasses

    Purchased off the estand. The text and E-stand images are re-posted here for the good of the forum with permission from the seller.

    Let me know if you'd all like additional images and I'll take some!

    Thanks for looking!
    Attached Files

    Have you researched any of them? Units and so forth?


      Forgot to post text!

      1) Wehrpaß of Gefreiter Karl Buchholz. Buchholz was a baker in civilian life and a baker in the Army. He served in multiple administrative and bakery units from 1941 to 1944. His last unit was Bäckerei-Kompanie 353 to which he was assigned on 1 December 1943; this unit was assigned to the 353. Infanterie-Division which fought at Normandy:


      This Wehrpaß was brought back by an American soldier as a souvenir. Buchholz was most likely captured. Comes with a complete English translation.

      2) Early-style Wehrpaß issued to Wachtmeister (Technical Sergeant) Rudolf Bornemann. Wehrpaß has a really nice photo of him. Served in the R.A.D. (National Labor Service) in 1936. Entered the Army in 1936, serving with Beobachtungs-Abteilung 31 till October 1938. He was called up again in 1940, again serving with Beobachtungs-Abteilung 31 until January 1942. From January 1942 to 15 August 1943, he served with the 8.(Vermessungs-Lehr) Kompanie of Artillerie-Lehr-Regiment (mot) 3. Qualified on the K 98 rifle, Luger and MG 34. Was specially trained to serve as an analyst for a flash ranging battery. Awarded the Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwerten (War Merit Cross Second Class with Swords) on 27 April 1941. Bornemann fought exclusively on the Eastern Front from 11 June 1942 to 15 August 1943, the day he was killed in action in Letoschniki, Russia, 50 kilometers west of Brjansk.

      3) Wehrpaß of Gefreiter Johann Gründobler. Wehrpaß was issued on 24 June 1941 in München (Munich). Entered the Army on 17 April 1942, serving with the 2./Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 7 on 126 Dachauerstraße in München. After completing basic training, he was assigned to the 1. Kompanie of Pionier-Battalion 745. Qualified on the 98 K rifle and received special training to operate a Flammenwerfer (Flame Thrower). Gründobler fought on the Eastern Front in Blochow, Below, Koselsk and Suchenitschi. He was killed in action on 15 December 1943. Includes three small portrait photos, one in civilian dress and two in uniform.

      4) Wehrpaß of Obergefreiter Hans Koniecszny issued on 21 September 1939 in Berlin. Served in the R.A.D. (National Labor Service) from March to October 1940. Served in multiple Pionier units from 19 October 1940 to 1 February 1943, when he was killed in action. Trained with the 98 K rifle and received special training as a dispatcher. Awarded the Iron Cross Second Class in 1941. Fought in Rumania, Bulgaria, Balkans, Greece and from day one of Operation Barbarossa, Russia. Has a really nice battle listing, including a large page pasted in that mention several well-know areas of operation (Nowgorod, Wolchow and Ladoga Lake). Wounded on 25 July 1941 (shot through the left upper arm). Wounded again on 5 May 1942 (Flesh wound with a bone injury). Severely wounded on 1 February 1943 and died in a hospital in Russia as a result of his wound(s). Buried in Schlugsbowka, Russia. Awarded the Wound Badge in Black on 23 March 1943.

      5) Wehrpaß of Obergefreiter Eduard Ebersberger. Service from 26 May 1941 to 15 December 1944. He initially served with Technische-Abteilung V in Paris-La lourneuse. From 25 October 1943 to 6 November 1944, he served with the Sturm-Bataillon (Assault Battalion) of Armeeoberkommando 1 (Headquarters of the 1st Army). The Sturm-Bataillon was responsible for protecting the Army headquarters in case it was threatened by the enemy. On 7 November 1944, Ebersberger was assigned to Pionier-Bataillon 416 (Pioneer Battalion 416). Deployed in France in 1940, served as an occupation troop in France from 1941 to 1943, and after the Allied landings in France in 1944, fought on the Western Front. Awarded the Wound Badge in Black on 21 August 1944 after being hit by a bomb splinter on 19 July 1944 in France. Ebersberger was killed in action on 15 December 1944 - the day before the start of the Battle of the Bulge - in Sinz (misspelled as Sintz in the Wehrpaß), Germany, in Abschnitt Borg (the Borg Sector), which is on the Luxembourg/French border of Germany. A great late 1944 West Front Wehrpaß for one of the first German soldiers to be killed defending German soil.

      6) Early Wehrpaß of Sanitäts-Stabsgefreiter Heinrich Strobl. Wehrpaß was issued to him on 5 May 1936 in Köln (Cologne). Was a hairdresser by profession. Wehrpaß has a nice photo of Strobl wearing a white shirt and tie and white hairdresser’s jacket. Strobl served with multiple medical units from 27 June 1939; he last served with Kriegs-Lazarett 529 (R) (Military Hospital 529 [Russia?]). Qualified on the Luger pistol. Held Class 2 and 3 military driver’s licenses. Trained as a stretcher bearer. Participated in a medic’s test and passed on 28 August 1944. Promoted four times, the last being on 1 October 1944 to Sanitäts-Stabsgefreiter. Suffered a broken arm on 4 January 1943. Awarded the Eastern Front Medal on 6 August 1942 by the divisional doctor of the 7. Infanterie-Division and the Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwerten (War Merit Cross Second Class with Swords) on 30 January 1945. This award was recorded in Strobl’s Wehrpaß on 18 March 1945. Pages 32, 33 and 47 are full of handwritten and printed battles. Covering the Polish, French and Russian campaigns. Strobl presumably survived the war.


        All are nice/interesting, but I Really like #5. Nice pickups and appreciate the reply on research! I’m also collecting wehrpass at the moment. I was a member here since 2012 but can’t get back into my old account, so can’t post photos yet lol


          Good Stuff...I enjoy the study of signatures and hand writting !


            Nice collection! Could you show some more pictures of Wehrpass #6 of Sanitäts-Stabsgefreiter Heinrich Strobl?


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