Thank you for your Feedback Guys. Something specioal, indeed, that's also my Feeling. Nevertheless, I did not intend to do further Researches... That's not my Area of collecting, even if these Portraits may have a good Place in my Portrait collection... I really think it could be fantastic for a Polish Museum / Association / Collector leaving around Warsaw / Legionowo...
but Lionel retranscribed nothing... why.... it is so easy lol ....
Buchpost von Kosaken Offiziere.
Für Sim(?)
Vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit und Haltung An die Kosakenoffiziere.
Gott segne den Sieg über die Bolschewiki. Es lebe Hitler.
Книга-почта (it's very clear, but I have no idea, what should it mean)
От казачьих (офицеров?)
(За?) сим (next word I can't understand)
благодарность за внимание и (отношение?) к казачьим офицерам.
Да благословит бог (на?) победу над Большевиками. Да здрав
it is for me the 450th Battalion. It was in Legionowo in Poland and spent most of the summer patrolling the communications and rail networks between Kharkov and Stalingrad.