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Domanov Cossack Division- Cossack Bank Mystery

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    Domanov Cossack Division- Cossack Bank Mystery

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    <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead>braveheartls13</TD></TR><TR><TD class=vbmenu_option style="CURSOR: default">View Public Profile</TD></TR><TR><TD class=vbmenu_option style="CURSOR: default">Send a private message to braveheartls13</TD></TR><TR><TD class=vbmenu_option style="CURSOR: default">Send Email to braveheartls13</TD></TR><TR><TD class=vbmenu_option style="CURSOR: default">Find More Posts by braveheartls13</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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    <TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead id=currentPost style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal"><!-- status icon and date --> Today, 10:54 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right> #2 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 width=175>braveheartls13<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_776987", true); </SCRIPT>
    New Member
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    </TD><TD class=alt2><!-- icon and title --> Domanov posting minus missed typos!
    <HR color=#cfb992 SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> Domanov's Cossack Division - Cossack Bank Mystery..
    <HR color=#cfb992 SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Hello All Troops

    Belated New Year Greetings and apologies for my absence.

    Many of us are familiar with the May-June 1945 Drau Valley saga in Southern Austria and with the forcible repatriations to Soviet custody, by units of the British Eighth Army's 5th Corps, of Domanov's Cossack Division, Von Pannwitz's 15th Cossack Cavalry Division and Ghirey's North Caucasians.

    Some of us, including those who, like this writer, sincerely lament the tragedies which occurred during and after the above repatriations but who agree with, or see no viable on-the-ground alternative to, the political and military Yalta Agreement decisions which prompted them, are constantly alert for new 'intelligence' and eye-witness statements or reliable anecdotes regarding the 5th Corps repatriations.

    This writer, with others and with a view to a book or documentary script on the subject, has begun a formal, New Millennium, investigation of certain aspects of those operations.

    One aspect of the operations which has never been publicly resolved is the removal, from the Cossack Bank IN LIENZ, in trucks driven by individuals wearing British uniforms, of a number of strong boxes containing several million Deutschmarks and Italian Lira/e.

    These monies, the Bank's Director (WHO WAS HE and what happened to him?) later said, comprised the personal savings and other holdings of the officers and men of the Domanov Division (and of other Cossack units held in the Drau - Draga Valley of Southern Austria ?).

    Questions for which this writer and colleagues seek answers are:

    * when, under whose direction and in what manner was the above Cossack Bank established; what is its known history and where are the founding and surviving daily administrative operational records held..was it established by the Allied Military Government team for that sector or by a wartime German body

    *who was the first and subsequent Director(s) and managerial staff of the Cossack Bank, did any of them survive WWII and did any them compile personal memoirs relating to the above scenario

    * was the Cossack Bank a wholly civilian body or was it directly subordinated to and staffed by Allied or Wehrmacht / other German military personnel..who were the Allied or German / Austrian / other non-Cossack staff, especially in May-June 1945

    * regardless of who established it, was the concept of such a Bank unique to the Domanov Division or did subordinate branches exist in other local Cossack units / Cossack units throughout the German Armed Forces

    * to which Allied and / or German Armed Forces field paymaster units and Wehrmacht / Waffen SS Paymaster HQs were the Drau - Draga Valley Cossack units subordinated concerning the issuance and receipt of everyday soldiers' pay and other field usage funds

    * if solely German-created, where and under whose jurisdiction were other field monies of the above Cossack units held at that time and what happened to them

    * what were the May-June 1945 Occupation / Military Government Regulations concerning the seizure of such monies; what was the relevant Chain of Command structure and through which channels WOULD / SHOULD THEY HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED TO A CENTRAL ALLIED OR REICHSBANK STORAGE FACILITY...if so transferred, to which Allied and German repositories would and should they have been transferred

    * were the Lienz Cossack Bank monies - about whose fate even such a famous writer as Count Nikolai Tolstoy has no knowledge and which some observers suggest was that of monies STOLEN by senior British officers - taken as part of an official British 5th Corps war reparations action overseen by 5th Corps / 8th Army HQs and conducted with the in situ and in transit oversight of UK Treasury - British Army Pay Corps - UK /US Judge Advocate General Office(s)

    * which British unit, and under whose overall and in situ / in transit field command, was delegated the task of seizing the Cossack Bank and other monies in above categories; where are the wartime records relating to this likely to be held ( if not in the UK National Archives )

    * if taken as War Reparations funds, were the reparations those claimed by the Anglo-US forces in the region or by the nearby Soviet forces, into whose latter custody tens of thousands of Cossacks and others were soon transferred; what would and should the official procedure have been in such circumstances

    *were the Cossack Bank monies seized at Lienz ever officially recorded in non - British 5th Corps records (which apparently make no reference to the operation); if so, where and what do they state

    * if the monies were stolen..what was the operational state of local railways and of captured German and Italian airfields..where was the nearest functioning railhead able to transport such strongboxes to, e.g., the nearest airfield capable of usage by Dakota aircraft and where WERE the nearest such airfields

    * finally..what was the least amount of time available to anyone stealing such monies before the issuance of Occupation Currency and anti-black marketeering regulations would have greatly reduced or nullified their value ?

    Anyone able to help is guaranteed, if such is requested, reciprocal research per their own projects. All matters offered in confidence will be treated with respect and all materials loaned or donated will be copied and returned / credited where requested. Enquiries and / or offers of help from Editors interested in helping this writer and associates to develop the theme will receive a warm welcome.

    Besten and mfg to all...Alan Newark

    Tel: +44 (0) 1132 250502
    Fax: +44 (0) 1132 682125
    New mobile telephone number: +44 (0) 7833511696

    British&amp;Palestinian Brigade


    Some hotheads in Russia claim that among the british troops there was so called "Palestinian Brigade" - the unit of soldiers of Jewish nationality that were especially rude towards the cossacks and have taken the "Bank". "Search for the bank in Israel and England", - people say.
    Where the cossacks property has gone is still a mistery - that's what some historians in Russia say. It looks like in exchange for the British "kind" attitude the Soviet authorities let the British to take over the cossacks properties. They say on the 26th of May 1945 there was a British truck with 4 soldiers and a sergeant came to the "Cossack Bank" and referring to their military commanders have taken the money - around 6 million German marks and 6 million Italian lire - at that time equal to 200 000 USD.
    The researchers claim that the British took over the majority of cossacks personal assets, but the British authorities said they had forwarded everything to the Soviets. Anyway the famous sabre of General Shkuro presented to him by the Tsar Nikolay II and covered with diamonds simply dissapeared. Same thing about the horses - between 5 to 15 thousand (!) were taken by the British.
    Last edited by Alex Ahnenerbe; 02-16-2005, 04:38 PM.


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