A few weeks ago, I bought a WWII German photo postcard on eBay from a seller with a 100% positive rating. The picture was sold as an original and the seller included "All our items are originals and no fake or replicas" in the description. Last night, I'm looking again and I see the exact same photo that I bought 2 weeks ago.
My question is, how common or likely is it to come across a collection that has duplicates of a photo? The photo is of a German soldier and his wife, so I would think that it's reasonable to assume that they would have originally had multiple copies made to send out to friends and family. I just don't know how common it is to find them together. Also, is there a way to authenticate photos other than shining a black light on them?
My question is, how common or likely is it to come across a collection that has duplicates of a photo? The photo is of a German soldier and his wife, so I would think that it's reasonable to assume that they would have originally had multiple copies made to send out to friends and family. I just don't know how common it is to find them together. Also, is there a way to authenticate photos other than shining a black light on them?