When stationed in Germany from 1973 to 76, I used to go with some buddies and go through the trash on bulk trash day. Germans had to pay a large fee for trash cans and were limited in what they could put in their trash cans; therefore I think it was about 4 times a year they could put out as much of all kinds of bulk trash as they had room for it front of their dwellings. I did have to be stacked neatly. Also it was allowed in some areas by the people putting it out for you (including us Americans) to go through the trash and take whatever you wanted as long as you neatly re-stacked it. Sometimes you could find old clocks, including one grandfather clock we found in a nearby town; which we had to leave because nobody had a vehicle that it would fit. Guys found medals, uniforms, hats, gas masks, zeltplans, canteens, and etc. in the military line. There were of course civilian antiques and many other interesting things. I got all kinds of urkunde, photos, letters, even an SS typewriter. One night I got a bunch of feldpost letters from a Gefr. Krog of the Wach Bn, who wrote about Hitler and various other "grosse machers". I always had trouble with German handwriting, and more so now since I haven't done it in about 38 years.......so I can't really tell you what this letter says anymore. Also this is the only one I scanned, and I have no idea where any of the letters are with all the packing, re-packing and moving of stuff here; however I thought some of you "paper people" might like to see it.