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1 Geb. documents

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    1 Geb. documents

    To Flak88

    Here are scans of documents as requested.
    Last edited by Larrister; 08-11-2006, 07:52 AM.

    Last edited by Larrister; 08-11-2006, 07:55 AM.


      Last edited by Larrister; 08-11-2006, 07:55 AM.


        Thanks. Here are comments sent to me. I am no expert on these, so I asked for advice. I would like to buy the docs if they are legit - I have nothing against the seller. Just had some concerns. Any further comments appreciated:

        "To be honest no. That's one of the reasons i asked to confirm what the FP number is on the last doc. It looks like 14011. if that's right then these docs a wrong without looking any further.
        There are a number of other issues with them too.

        1. A GAB doc to an infanterie regiment?

        2. At the time (Aug.41) GJR 100 was commanded by Oberst Willbald Utz (RKT 21.6.41) as far as i know. It was also part of the 5 Geb.Div. by this time, not the 1 GD.
        3. On the CCC, i don't like the use of 1.Geb. Division instead of the man's battalion, rgt and kompanie. I don't like the use of 'unteroffizier' If by adjutant we're talking the divisions IIa then i have a Major Heinz Groth for this period.
        4. the EKI is all wrong. The use of 1./Geb.Div. the signature should be the divisional commander at the least and if that fp number is 14011 then forget it."


          Hi Larrister,

          I saw these on E-stand but didn't like the EK I document....for a start it should be signed by the Divisional Commander or a representative of him! I would not expect to see a FP Nr. on it but then that is not too much of an issue...

          What FP Numbers are on these documents?

          14011 - Stab u. Einheit Stellungs-Bau-Pionier-Bataillon 789!!!!

          No combination of 14*11 belonged to 1 Gebirgs Division...

          Also wouldn't a member of a Gebirgsjäger Regiment be awarded the Infanterie Sturmabzeichen as opposed to the Allgemeine Sturmabzeichen!?!!?!?

          It looks to me from the scans that the same stamps has been used on all documents which you would not expect at Regiment to Division level!!

          Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

          Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


            Thanks for your comments. They are appreciated. I will be contacting the dealer who I bought the documents from and showing him your concerns. Hopefully I will get my money back.

            Best regards


              Thanks for moving these here Larrister. The comments Flak88 posted are mine.

              The stamp on the GAB doc seems to be different from the other two. It would help a great deal if you could tell us what the fp number on that one is, even a partial is of use. And confirm wether the number on the other two is 14011.


              Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


                Hello Larrister & All,

                Would just second the comments already made. They appear to be docs that have probably come from either an internet fake doc businesses (another disturbing subject)...or, just another unscrupulous bastard who sits on his fat ass at home creating such nonsense to rip off collectors or dealers. If by chance the person who created these fakes also views this forum know that you are a turd.



                  Here is my addition to the other remarks, Signature of the first document doesn't look like the signature of the regimental commander at that time, Oberst Wililbald Utz


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