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Photos of Erfurt 1930 - 1945

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    Photos of Erfurt 1930 - 1945

    I come from Erfurt/Germany and would like to show you photos from my hometown from the time from 1930 to 1945.
    I would be very pleased when you also show a couple of photos. I am most interested pictures after the war under an American crew.

    ich komme aus Erfurt/Deutschland und möchte euch Fotos aus meiner Heimatstadt aus der Zeit von 1930 bis 1945 zeigen.
    Ich würde mich sehr freuen wann auch ihr ein paar Fotos zeigt.Bildern nach dem Krieg unter amerikanischer Besatzung interessieren mich am meisten.

    1934 mounted one SA on the cathedral place Erfurt-1934 berittene SA auf dem Domplatz Erfurt

    1935 the motorcycle marksman battalion 1 on the cathedral place-1935 Das Kradschützen-Bataillon 1 auf dem Domplatz

    1930 Andreasstrasse, propaganda journey of the NSDAP-1930 Andreasstrasse - Propagandafahrt der NSDAP

    Hi Klaus

    Welcome among us, and many thanks for posting those wonderful photos of Erfurt! I visited your town in 1999...and I climbed all those steps up to the cathedral and parish church -- I'm sure you know that Martin Luther's monastery is quite nearby, and he served as a priest in those very buildings. This was, of course, prior to The Reformation!! I visited both the cathedral/parish church and the monastery while I was there, and I enjoyed your home town very much!

    I'm sorry that photography is not a hobby of mine, nor is it a capacity of mine, so I cannot post any photos from my visit -- I didn't take any! But thanks so much for reminding me of a memorable time in my life!

    Br. James


      Das sind schoene Bilder vom vorkriegszeit in Erfurt! Falls Sie noch andere haben, laden Sie auch bitte auf! Es wuerde mich auch sehr interessieren! Danke dafuer.


        Hello Br. James
        Many thanks for the nice welcoming. I am pleased you have had my hometown in memory so well this.
        Please excuse my bad English. I use a software to the cross over.

        However, unfortunately, of Erfurt in front of 1945 I don't have many photos of the time of the American liberation.
        Captain George O. Baer was military governor of a town of Erfurt at that time. Does anybody have a picture of him?

        Hallo Br. James
        Vielen Dank für die nette Begrüßung.Es freut mich das Ihnen meine Heimatstadt so gut in Erinnerung geblieben ist.
        Entschuldigen Sie bitte mein schlechtes englisch.Ich benutze eine Software zum übersetzen.

        Fotos von Erfurt vor 1945 habe ich viele aber leider nicht von der Zeit der amerikanischen Befreiung.
        Captain George O. Baer war damals Stadtkommandant von Erfurt.Hat jemand ein Bild von ihm?

        I could find this here one the few pictures of U. S. soldiers in Erfurt.-Hier eins der wenigen Bilder von US Soldaten in Erfurt das ich finden konnte.

        1945 - American soldiers in the Erfurt Johannesstraße-1945 - Amerikanische Soldaten in der Erfurter Johannesstraße



          The mountain barracks in the thirties-Die Bergkaserne in den 30er Jahren

          Löberfeld barracks in the thirties-Löberfeld Kaserne in den 30er Jahren

          Standard handing over to the tank regiment -Standartenübergabe an das Panzerregiment

          Swearing in of young tank soldiers in the Löberfeld barracks-Vereidigung junger Panzersoldaten in der Löberfeld Kaserne

          A short still has video of the destroyed Erfurt 1945 on my Facebook side over Erfurt-Auf meiner Facebook Seite über Erfurt habe noch ein kurzes Video vom zerstörten Erfurt 1945


            A hearty welcome. Please keep the pictures coming.

            Had some curious female onlookers, those few GI's in Erfurt.


              Erfurt is a place well known as its base of panzer regiment 1. if i am not wrong.



                1933, 17. 06. Adolf Hitler puts down its name on the golden book of the city of Erfurt - 1933, 17.06. Adolf Hitler trägt sich in das goldene Buch der Stadt Erfurt ein

                1933, 23. 06. NSDAP declaration in the stadium - 1933, 23.06. NSDAP Kundgebung im Stadion


                  The tank regiment –1 resulted (for Ohrdruf) from the strength driving teaching command II with two departments on October 1st, 1935. It was put together with the tank regiment 2 (Eisenach) of the first tank brigade (Erfurt). This tank brigade belonged to the 1st armored division (Weimar) which was built from parts of the 3rd cavalry division. The stick of the tank brigade was accommodated in the old hunter barracks. 1 were. . barracks and the I. Abtlg in the Löberfeld the tank regiment the stick and the IIth Abtlg the PR 1 stations in the pit foreman barracks.

                  at that time his commanders were:

                  Regiment commanders:

                  Colonel Ludwig Ritter of Radlmaier list, October 6th, 1936
                  Lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schmelzer October 6th, 1936 - November 10th, 1938

                  I. Department:

                  Lieutenant-colonel Schuckelt list, November 10th, 1938

                  IIth department:

                  Major Gerth list, 1937

                  1935 15. 10. The tank regiment took parade list on the cathedral place - 1935 15. 10. Das Panzerregiment nahm auf dem Domplatz Paradeaufstellung


                    Thanks for your good response, Klaus, and never apologize for your use of English -- if I were to try and write in German, you'd never be able to read it!!

                    Br. James


                      Thank you for posting.What does cathedral place liik like today.Brian



                        1936 Big Tattoo in front of Erfurt Town Hall



                          1936 20.04. Panzer Regiment 1 in Erfurt at the parade on Hitler's birthday on Anger


                            1933, 17. 06. Adolf Hitler puts down its name on the golden book of the city of Erfurt - 1933, 17.06. Adolf Hitler trägt sich in das goldene Buch der Stadt Erfurt ein


                              Hallo Klaus,
                              Du wirst es mir Sicherheit erkennen....



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