After looking at the LAH Pionier History by Imhoff/Gäbler, some of these photos appear it with extra information.
The truck on post 12, is a Henschell Typ 33 Pionierkraftwagen I, and the history book gives the following caption:
Pi 1-Lkw auf dem Marsch - 2. Gruppe (Uscha Haller) des I. Zuges/1. PiKp.
So as I thought, from the 1st Kompanie, LAH Pionier Abteilung.
There are more captions in the book if you need them, let me know.
thanks for your adds, Steve!
They are in fact engineers, most photos are written on the back, one is showing the track with the caption "Der Stolz der Pioniere" (the proud of the pioneers), and others with the long workaround bridge says "gesprengter Ăśbergang, fĂĽr den unsere BrĂĽcke gerade ausreicht" (blow up pass, for which our material was barely long enough).