Hi Lars, thanks for posting that. Do you know what unit is in the photo? I would guess it was one of the Estonian Border Guard Regiments. who couldn't be provided with anything better.
I've had time to give this further thought. The gun looks like a Pak 36, but the Germans hardly had any more of those by 1944. My first thought had been that an old Pak 36 was issued to one of the Border Guard Regiments. However, they were assigned to guard swampy wilderness areas, and wouldn't necessarily be found by a ruined building.
Nordland and Nederland wouldn't have a Pak 36, and I highly doubt the 20. WGD would have any either. However, photos and accounts do show that some small Soviet antitank guns were captured when the bridgeheads at Ssivertsi and Vepeskula were overrun and eliminated (such as when Nugiseks got his RK). The Soviet guns were copies of the Pak 36 in 37mm and 45mm, and this is most likely one of those, turned around to add to the defenses along the Narva River.
This photo is sold of http://www.fotobethge.de/ and I am not sure that the photo is from Narva. He have a lot of photos that He writte that they are from Narva but it is not.
You can visit his online store and you will see a photo of German soldiers' graves "Narva Friedhof Soldatengräber K. Ellenberg aus Lundhausen Item No.: 1358248473"
he writes is from Narva but it is not Erich Schreck and Karl Ellenberger is buried in Sologubowka. Similarly photo "Narva Kriegsbrücke Sicherung mit Schleppkähnen 1942 item #: 1358248243"
this is not Narva.
And there are more photos in which he made a mistake "Narva Herrmann's Burg 1941 Besatzung Wehrmacht Item No.: 1341838967" This is not a photo from Narva. So I think he just says that they are all about Narva to sell better.
So I am not sure that Your photo is from Narva, he have some other photo of German soldier in that type of winter camo that the soldier have on Your pak photo on the web shop and he describe them " Narvafront 1944 Feldwache in Tarnumhang "
A couple of the photos he sells are from Narva, but I would take it easy to shop Narva photos of him.
Paul: Did not got an mail that theren were a comment on the thread, yes i brought it at ebay.
I sad to hear that fotobethge just writing anything on the back.
It is dissappointing to read, also if this is right on my photo.
I can just hope that it is one of the right ones ´that is taken at Narva.
But glad to know that i'm going to look after him if i'm going to buy photos from him.