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EK Citations With Recipient's Actions

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    EK Citations With Recipient's Actions

    Iron Cross Documents that include the recipient's actions on the reverse are my favorite type. They are relatively uncommon but seem to have been done by various units throughout the entire war. By far, the unit that seems to have done it the most was Grossdeutschland; even in the latter years when it would be less expected given the hectic times. I have also seen at least three examples from 1. Gebirgs-Division - one from 1939, one from 1940 and one from 1942. Other units include 376. ID, 46. ID, 3. Pz. Gren. Div., and 5. SS Pz. Div.

    The one shown below is my most recent acquistion. It was offered on a site in Europe and I was able to secure via the generous help of Kevin H. The specific details are actually relatively brief, but interesting nonetheless. It was awarded to a radioman and member of Artllerie Regiment 188 for fighting against the Soviet airborne operation west of the Dneiper River on September 25, 1943. The details on the reverse specifically speak to the fact that the recipent was effective against Soviet Fallschirmjaeger. To me, the retreat to the Dneiper is one of the most interesting parts of the war on the Eastern Front. And, to have an award document that is the result of fighting the Soviet airborne operation, one of the most extraordinary of the war, is that much more interesting. In this case, the award was made by 57. ID even though Art. Rgt. 188 was actually organic to 88. ID. The lending of units to different divisions was quite common throughout the war, and it was probably quite common at this point given the race to the Dneiper and beyond. Another interesting aspect of this citation are the various dates. The actions for which he won the award, the date it was proceessed on division level and then the date it was processed/completed by his Battalion (this is when the details were added) are all included. These three dates shed some light on the award process of the EK in this case.

    I'd be interested in seeing other examples of these types of award documents. Please post yours.

    Also, can anyone tell me what the V.B. means in front of Funker?
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    VB means "Vorgeschobener Beobachter". Observing the impact of the own artillery.


      Originally posted by sudhafen View Post
      VB means "Vorgeschobener Beobachter". Observing the impact of the own artillery.
      Awesome. Thank you!!


        Hi Brian. You are rare, these EK's Award Docs with recipient's Acion on the reverse are not very common, but "rare" would be exagerated. I have note the same as you concerning the 3 and the 15.Pz.Gren.Div., also by the 17th SS-Pz.Gren.Div. "Götz von Berlichingen". You will probably love this one, this Oscha was also as a "V.B." on duty. Lionel. <p><img src=""></p> <p><img src=""></p>


          Very cool Docs guys!

          I know its not really the same, but I also find it interesting when details/dates of wounds are given with Wound Badge Documents too. Any extra info when dealing with personalized items is always the best!


            Great Document, Lionel! It's especially interesting given the weak numbers the division was fighting with at the time, especially by this point in November after Metz fell.

            Only one of these types of documents that I have is for fighting Americans - the one from 3. Panzer-Grenadier Division. It is for fighting against the Americans north of Naples in the fall of 1943. A German machine gunner mowed down a group of Americans with great effect.

            And, Bill, I completely agree. Any additional information to help expand the background of a citation and the soldier who earned it is excellent.


              Nice touch, to have such information for the award, and the information of Forward Observer


                Here is one of the 1. Geb. Div. citatons mentioned above; an EK2 document awarded to a member of Geb. Jag. 100 for fighting in France. The recipient as able to overcome a French armoured vehicle with a machine gun and his actions resulted in the taking of prisoners. I like this document given the decorative text and the detail in which the recipient's exploits are described.

                The document was processed while the division was stationed near the French coast in anticipation of Operation Sea Lion. It has the signature of Generalleutnant Ludwig Kübler who was later executed for war crimes in Yugoslavia. Geb. Jag. 100 went on to form 5. Gebirgs Division later in 1940.
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                  your document is signed by the famous General Ludwig Kübler:





                    Hi Guys - Just bumping up this old thread to show my "Begründung" webpage. Right now there are four but I have more in the works and will periodically add to it. There are also seven examples in my book (one of which is the ant-parachutist one shown above). So, please check it out and I will bump this thread as I add more.



                      It's been a while but I've added a couple more...


                        Bought a Gebirgsjäger's 99 Regt. convolute last week - Arbeitsbuch, Reichsheer and RAD pass, Soldbuch, 3x citation documents. The KVK 2nd Class with swords citation's reverse had a Begründung with a short resume of recipients career -

                        " looking after the regiments, pack animals in Poland,France,Yugoslavia. The winter months 1941/42, the regiment spent on the left side of Minus river, he earned his KVK caring for the horses making sure they had enough to eat and bring them through the hard winter healthy always fit enough to move out, also making sure part of the Stab's Batl. had enough heating fuel and building materials to get through the winter"

                        I know its not a EK citation, nevertheless thought it worth including on the thread, concur with Brian R's first post, relativity uncommon - its the first that's come into my hands. The signature is a bit of a puzzle - at the time the commander - von Le Suire (illegible at least for me to read) haven't found another to compare it with. Can any member help ?
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                          Originally posted by soldon View Post
                          Bought a Gebirgsjäger's 99 Regt. convolute last week - Arbeitsbuch, Reichsheer and RAD pass, Soldbuch, 3x citation documents. The KVK 2nd Class with swords citation's reverse had a Begründung with a short resume of recipients career -

                          " looking after the regiments, pack animals in Poland,France,Yugoslavia. The winter months 1941/42, the regiment spent on the left side of Minus river, he earned his KVK caring for the horses making sure they had enough to eat and bring them through the hard winter healthy always fit enough to move out, also making sure part of the Stab's Batl. had enough heating fuel and building materials to get through the winter"

                          I know its not a EK citation, nevertheless thought it worth including on the thread, concur with Brian R's first post, relativity uncommon - its the first that's come into my hands. The signature is a bit of a puzzle - at the time the commander - von Le Suire (illegible at least for me to read) haven't found another to compare it with. Can any member help ?
                          First off - Wow! I'd have to believe citations on the back of KVKs are even rarer than on the EKs. Despite them being more common (the award, that is).

                          For the signature, are you talking about on the front, or the back?

                          Unless it was nighttime, or the weather was bad, and you were running out of gas - then it was a sweaty nightmare, like a monkey f*ing a skunk.
                          ~ Dan Hampton, Viper Pilot


                            The Front Signature - Oberst u. Div. Kdr.
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                              Originally posted by soldon View Post
                              The Front Signature - Oberst u. Div. Kdr.
                              If I'm not mistaken, that's von Stettner's signature. Somebody more familiar with the division would have to explain why it's on the document with this date; it does show him as Div. Fuehrer (not commander), which may mean he was temporarily in the role.

                              (I also see there's a couple different "von Stettner"'s involved with Gebirgsjaeger, so that may be it; a Robert & a Walter)

                              Unless it was nighttime, or the weather was bad, and you were running out of gas - then it was a sweaty nightmare, like a monkey f*ing a skunk.
                              ~ Dan Hampton, Viper Pilot


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