David Hiorth


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Very nice grouping from a Fuehrer Hauptquartier security staff member.

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    Very nice grouping from a Fuehrer Hauptquartier security staff member.


    I was very fortunate to acquire this beautiful grouping of Corporal Karl Moeckel.
    The grouping contains, amongst other items, two photo albums which illustrate his duty from end of 1938 until he died in September 1941.

    I would like to share this beautiful grouping with you and I hope to learn as much as possible from you regarding the pictured persons, locations etc.

    He was security staff member at the “Fuehrer Hauptquartier” and based on the photos in the albums it seems like he had pretty good excess to Hitler and his “hideouts”.
    Please let me know if you recognize a building or a location…any information would be highly appreciated

    Here are information’s about Mr. Moeckel, I took them all out of his Wehrpass.

    Karl Moeckel was born on 4/3/1916 in Zwickau (Saxony).
    He learned the trades of gardening before he was pulled into military duty.

    He had his physical examination done on 6/11/1936 in Zwickau and was classified as “tauglich 2” (suitable).

    He was put into the “Ersatz Reserve I” (reserve list).

    He got trained in handling of the 98K, hand grenades, Luger P-08, le MG34 and s MG34 --> what is “le” and “s” MG34?

    He also received training as Hilfskrankentraeger (medic orderly…not sure if this is the right term).

    His military assignment started on 11/18/1938, he joined the Inf. Rgt 31 in Plauen (Saxony, just a few miles away from Zwickau).

    Here is a list of his assignments:

    9/1/39 – 10/7/39  Feldzug gegen Polen beim Fuehrer Hauptquartier (campaign against Poland in the Fuehrer Hauptquartier)

    10/8/39 – 1/13/40  Verwendung im Fuehrer Hauptquartier (used in the Fuehrer Hauptquartier)

    1/14/40 – 5/9/40  Verwendung im Operationsgebiet der Westfront im Fuehrerhauptquartier (used at the ‚west front‘ theater, Fuehrer Hauptquartier)

    5/10/40 – 6/4/40  Durchbruch zum Aermelkanal und Schlacht in Flandern und in ......? (breakthrough to the British channel and battle in Flanders and in ....?  can’t read it).

    6/5/40 – 6/25/40  Schlacht in Frankreich (Battle in France).

    6/26/40 – 2/18/41  Verwendung im Fuehrer Hauptquartier (used in the Fuehrer Hauptquartier)

    Further entries:
    8/29/41  Granatsplitter am Gesaess und Bein, 14 I.R. 29 Russland (shrapnel on buttock and leg)

    9/13/41  Im Lazarett verstorben (deceased in hospital).

    His promotions:

    Schuetze (Private) to Gefreiter (Lance Corporal) on 2/1/40

    Gefreiter to Obergefreiter (Corporal) on 11/1/40

    Please have a look at page 22 in the Wehrpass…was he promoted to Uffz. as well?

    His decoration:

    Schuetzenschnur Stufe 1 (Lanyard).

    Commemorative medal 1’st of October 1938.

    It seems like he got the Infantry assault badge on 9/10/41, three days before he passed away.

    Alright, enough text, here are the first pictures...I start with his Wehrpass….sorry for the big watermarks but it happened just recently that photos I’ve posted at the forum were used in a sales-add at Craigslist

    Picture below. Look at the left page.... was he promoted to Unteroffizier?
    Look at the right page. He was awarded the IAB on 9/10/41, three days before he died.

    I could not read line 4-7...any help would ba appreciated

    Here is a letter from Karl's Master Sergeant to his family.....it says something like.
    "The company send you herewith the letters of your son who was wounded in Russia, his current location is unknown to us and his letter have piled up".

    Here is his award document for his Schuetzenschnur

    and now into the photo album.....Pretty much all of the photos have writing on the backside but they are glued in as well which makes it almost impossible to read whats written on the back....

    Rudolf Hess is 'hiding' behind Ribbentrop.

    Anyone recognizes this building?

    Who is this man?


    Keitel and Jodl.
    Anyone recognizes the building in the back?

    In France

    Could that be Karl in front of the Fuehrer Hauptquartier.
    The chevron for lance Corporal and the Schuetzenschnur would fit

    Ribbentrop again.....

    Inside the Sperrkreis?

    Happy dog

    That looks like a border?

    Hitler walking in front of the Fuehrersonderzug?
    What is this tilted frame / stand on the left side of the rail car...behind the persons....it looks like the same thing is on the right side of the rail car as well....is it a frame for antennas?

    Hitler and Franco...where was it?

    looks like the same occasion...

    Hitler and Franco again....

    In France?

    Who is this highly decorated Major?

    Border to France...

    Newspaper cutout


    Hitler fly-by....

    He looks a little like Karl...but the Wehrpass says he was not married....

    A friend of Karl or maybe his brother...?

    German and French soldiers.....

    still France....

    The next two photos have printed writing on the backside....Echt Foto postcards maybe?

    Another Hitler fly-by....note the Auto Union sign on the wall and the Audi emblems in the windows...there were Audi plants in Chemnitz and in Zwickau, anyone recognizes where this photo was taken?


    Spanish soldier.

    Mass produced post card...

    Another Hitler drive-by....

    Meeting with French leader....who is that?

    Same location as the meeting with the French leader?


    That looks like one of these cigarette album cards (could not look at the backside, it's glued in pretty good)?

    Grave of Bastian Hans, V.RF-SS, Party number 504982, SS number 8363, promoted to Sturmfuehrer on 3/9/33, promoted to Obersturmfuehrer on 9/9/34.

    After much time in France...finally the Eifelturm

    Sightseeing in France....

    Mass produced photo card....

    Very nice GD studio portrait....

    Still in France.....

    His comrade, friend, brother....?

    Anyone recognized these buildings?

    Guard of honor.....

    Bomb crater.....


    Anyone knows where that could be?

    More battlefield.....

    Stand to attention

    thats it for now......more to follow.....

    If anyone of you has informations about anything shown so far, please let me know it's much appreciated.
    Last edited by USA-Alex; 02-09-2012, 08:03 PM.

    The Hitler conversation partner in the light raincoat is von Ribbentrop. The RKT holder is Keitel walking beside Jodl. It is not Mussolini in the photos, but Franco. The unknown nationality is Spanish. The aerial shot is Compiegne. The French General is not Petain, but his name escapes me. Sorry, but I don't know the decorated major.


      Originally posted by max history View Post
      The Hitler conversation partner in the light raincoat is von Ribbentrop. The RKT holder is Keitel walking beside Jodl. It is not Mussolini in the photos, but Franco. The unknown nationality is Spanish. The aerial shot is Compiegne. The French General is not Petain, but his name escapes me. Sorry, but I don't know the decorated major.
      Thank you very much Max, great informations....
      I'll try to change my thread accordingly....



        Hello Alex,
        Nice Find.

        My Grandfather was from 3.1.1940 until 10.15.41 stationed at several FHQ's as Company Commander, Hauptmann (Captain) of 3.(Schwere) Kompanie, Fuehrer-Begleit-Bataillon. He also traveled with Hitlers Entourage to Belgium and France.
        He could be on some of your pics with Officers, but I can not make them out.
        Is there a way to get better pics?
        I will look through my research and try to find all the different Stations and FHQ's used during the time your Soldier was with the FHQ.




          Originally posted by hawkeye 1 View Post
          Hello Alex,
          Nice Find.

          My Grandfather was from 3.1.1940 until 10.15.41 stationed at several FHQ's as Company Commander, Hauptmann (Captain) of 3.(Schwere) Kompanie, Fuehrer-Begleit-Bataillon. He also traveled with Hitlers Entourage to Belgium and France.
          He could be on some of your pics with Officers, but I can not make them out.
          Is there a way to get better pics?
          I will look through my research and try to find all the different Stations and FHQ's used during the time your Soldier was with the FHQ.


          Hello Falk,

          thank you very much for your reply.
          The time of you Grandfathers duty at the FHQ would match pefectly with Karl's time of duty.
          That would be awesome if you could look up the different stations and FHQ's I'm now happy happy happy

          I certainly would scan some images if you'd like, just let me know which ones...The photos I posted are just quick pictures taken with my camera.

          Thanks again and lets stay in touch



            Hello Alex,

            here the FHQ's my Grandfather was stationed. The FBB was always with Hitlers Entourage during that time.
            3.1.1940-5.29.1940 "Felsennest"
            5.29.1940-5.31.1940 Trip to Belgium.
            6.6.1940-6.27.1940 "Wolfsschlucht"
            6.27.1940-7.5.1940 "Tannenberg"
            4.12.1941-4.27.1941 "Fruehlingssturm"
            4.27.1941 Fuehrersonderzug to Berlin
            7.23.1941 "Wolfschanze"

            The trip to France is not noted, since I have to find those dates in my research.
            I could PM you my E-mail address if you like.




              Here is the second album....it seems like it was more his duty away from the FHQ....at least for the most part....
              I made a picture of pretty much every photo, I hope it's not too boring

              Again, every info you can provide about anything related to the pictures shown would be great


              On the way to Praque....

              Easter fest in Praque

              Parade in Praque on the occasion of Hitlers birthday....

              Still in Praque.....

              Entrance to the Reichskanzlei at the Vossstrasse.....


              Can't read it....is it inside the Reichskanzlei?

              Can't read any of this writing....

              Can't read it....does it say "Polenfeldzug Grossbom?"

              This is Karl.....

              Does it say "Der Fuehrer auf der vorderen Frontlinie"... the Fuehrer at the utmost front line?

              Time for a nap....

              Hitler grinding the rail

              Fuehrerzug in Polzin... <--- is Polzin correct?
              That looks like the same rail car than seen in the other album.....it seems it is not a frame on top of it but guns

              I only can read "Danzig".... what else does it say?

              Where or what is that? Can't read the next two....

              What building is that?

              What does it say...can't read it

              Vorzimmer Fuehrer, anteroom Fuehrer

              Stosstrupp Ausbildung, raiding patrol training.

              former 'e'mail system....

              looks like a cigarette album card

              Family time.....the person on the left looks like Karl.....

              Reichskanzlei again.....

              Nice Panzer wrapper

              Hitler fly-by....front passenger seat....

              Der Fuehrer in "F"....what does "F" stands for?

              Unser Rock....our tunic....

              Any idea where that could be.....what occasion?

              looks like a mass produced photo.

              Gefangene der ..........? well, can't read it


              What does it say?

              In 20....what is "20"?.... or is it a "W"?

              Goering......"20" again.....

              again, "20"..... who is the guy in the Fieseler Storch?

              Anlage "A"....what was it?

              Anlage "T"......In Karl's Wehrpass was a "Tagesausweis" to access Anlage T....see next picture.
              What is Anlage T and where was it?

              Thats the Tagesausweis for Anlage T.....

              more in the next post.....


                and more

                Im inneren des Wagens.....inside the rail car....? What rail car could it be? What language is written on the two signs?

                In front of the rail car....

                Hitler, Goering....don't recognize the other persons....

                same occasion

                The next 4 photos are mass produced post cards.....

                Look at this post card.....note the cabin in the background and the French Genaral.....there was a privately taken photo in the first album....I'll copy it below again....It seems like Karl was there and snapped a quick picture, later he may bought the professionally made real photo post card's.... ?

                Here is the photo from album No.1 again....note the cabin in the back and the French General....

                Goering with his Marshal's baton.....

                Next two Hitler again.....

                Hitler, nice picture of the pennant.

                What does it say?

                What does it say before the "T"?

                Goering.....there is the "W" again.... what could it be?

                Same building as see before with the standing post in front of it....what does it say?

                at the Eifelturm.....

                That looks like Karl again....

                and sadly, photos of his grave...... RIP Karl Moeckel
                It seems like the wooden grave marker had been replaced or maybe the grave was relocated at some point?

                I also noticed that it is writte Uffz. on his grave marker....so he was promoted to Unteroffizier.

                Here are a few close-ups of some of the previous pgotos.....

                and a group shot of the whole grouping......

                I also forgot to post a picture of the first page of the "1 Kompanie Fuehrer Hauptquartier Album".... here it is.....


                  Originally posted by hawkeye 1 View Post
                  Hello Alex,

                  here the FHQ's my Grandfather was stationed. The FBB was always with Hitlers Entourage during that time.
                  3.1.1940-5.29.1940 "Felsennest"
                  5.29.1940-5.31.1940 Trip to Belgium.
                  6.6.1940-6.27.1940 "Wolfsschlucht"
                  6.27.1940-7.5.1940 "Tannenberg"
                  4.12.1941-4.27.1941 "Fruehlingssturm"
                  4.27.1941 Fuehrersonderzug to Berlin
                  7.23.1941 "Wolfschanze"

                  The trip to France is not noted, since I have to find those dates in my research.
                  I could PM you my E-mail address if you like.


                  Hello Falk,

                  great information.....thank you very much.

                  Do you think the "T" and the "W" in my album could stand for Wolfsschlucht and Tannenberg?

                  I'll shoot you a PM with my email address

                  Thank you very much for all your help.



                    Last but not least, the cuff title......


                      Hi Alex,

                      Wow, what a find.
                      I can read a lot, just have to figure out a way to place it.

                      "T", "A","F" and"W" stands most likely for Anlage ... meaning the FHQ's.
                      One pic states Muenstereifel and that was The FHQ "Felsennest".

                      Dienststelle 33899 was
                      (Mobilmachung - 1.1.1940) 1. Wachkompanie-Fuehrerhauptquartier.

                      Feldpostnummer on the Letter 26326:
                      14.Kompanie Infanterie-Regiment 29.

                      More later




                        Very NICE grouping USA-Alex



                          The unknown building with the colonnaded entrance is the Old Reichskanzlei in Wilhelmstrasse.
                          Superb group. Thank you for showing it.


                            He looks a little like Karl...but the Wehrpass says he was not married....


                            he could be married during the war - that;s why is not written in wehrpass

                            "w" undet the pictures could mean - Wolfchanze - Hitles quater in Poland.


                              Karl's grave along with many other such cemeteries will have been trashed by the Russians when they retook the area.

                              he is however recorded on the Volksbund database

                              Karl-Otto Möckel

                              Karl-Otto Möckel wurde noch nicht auf einen vom Volksbund errichteten Soldatenfriedhof überführt.
                              Nach den uns vorliegenden Informationen befindet sich sein Grab derzeit noch an folgendem Ort: Pskow - Rußland
                              Der Volksbund ist bemüht, auf der Grundlage von Kriegsgräberabkommen die Gräber der deutschen Soldaten zu finden und ihnen auf Dauer gesicherte Ruhestätten zu geben. Wir hoffen, in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft auch das Grab von Karl-Otto Möckel zu finden und die Gebeine auf einen Soldatenfriedhof überführen zu können.
                              Name und die persönlichen Daten des Obengenannten sind auch im Gedenkbuch der Kriegsgräberstätte verzeichnet. Sie können gern einen Auszug bei uns bestellen.
                              Bitte beachten Sie, dass auf einigen Friedhöfen nicht die aktuelle Version ausliegt, somit kann der Name Ihres Angehörigen darin evtl. noch nicht verzeichnet sein.






                              Krgs.Laz. 917 Pleskau
                              Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


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